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Submission + - Boat Wraps & Graphics (adsonwheels.com)

adsonwheel writes: There are several ways to promote a brand, product, or service. One way is to advertise a business or an event using boat wraps and graphics. Not only other boaters will take notice but, people driving by in vehicles will also take notice of the offshore boat graphics.

Comment a true WTF moment for *EDITORS* (Score 1) 387

I think he is making a valid - if not brave - point. And probably hoping for some support from his readership.
Multiverse Theory opens the possibility of "happy endings" in the style of Sliding Doors or the afterlife: although this existence is not perfect there is another world where it is/will be. We can't do much about this one, sorry for the inconvenience.

Comment Re:Intelligence (Score 1) 785

I just said it was an opinion.

You described an opinion, I described a physiological feedback mechanism that gives rise to that kind of opinion (supremacy).

I can kill something without such false delusions.

Who said any kind of thinking, even delusional, is involved, apart from post-rationalisation or just plain lying?
I'm not convinced that you are not trolling.

Comment Re:Intelligence (Score 1) 785

Here's a really interesting article from Cracked, of all places. It sometimes covers the same areas as the Schadenfreude link. The point I gleaned from this article is that nature makes it easier for us to be "evil" than to be "good". If there is a positive to be gleaned from this, it is that if a "good" entity defeats an "evil" one, then that "good" entity has "evil" in reserve for emergencies.
Our justifications (e.g. "intelligence") are not always needed. Here's another good example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trajan's_Column and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEmIAHNkDOo
Intelligence does not always provide protection from brutality: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoine_Lavoisier

Comment Re:Intelligence (Score 1) 785

When an animal kills another for food (even more so if it is for living space), implicit in this action is an assessment (correct or not) that the killer is more important than the prey (because the killer should live and the prey should not).
Animals understand this (in my opinion) and nature has given us (all animals) a capacity to derive pleasure from the misfortune of others (see my Schadenfreude link elsewhere on this topic - satisfaction is comparable to a good meal. This strikes me as a useful trait for ensuring that prey is brought back to the entire pack and not consumed on the spot by hunters).
The idea that we achieved our current position (top) in the food chain due to our intelligence alone deliberately obscures the fact that it was our brutality that achieved it. Our earnest attempts to train ourselves to curb such brutality unfortunately leave us open to exploitation by entities who choose not to accept such constraints.

Comment Re:And what does it do? (Score 1) 307

Thank you for taking the time to illustrate how far from "news" that was.
I eventually played the video and towards the end of it I began to get an idea what Dropbox is: a cross-platform shared drive (like X-drive was for Windows?) hosted by a 3rd party.
Useful if you don't have Samba or NFS and VPN.
They're not getting my music collection!

Comment Re:Well, we've finished with the hard part (Score 1) 363

Interestingly, it's not a "gold" debt, AFAIK. And none of it has been paid yet. It hasn't been borrowed by the EU yet. It (cash) hasn't been asked for yet.
Anyway, as I was saying: it's a Euro debt, not a gold debt. Ireland should take it all now, convert it all to dollars then cash it back when pressure on some other Euro state pushes the Euro down again ;-)

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