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Comment Re:Glossy screens and sunlight (Score 1) 666

The stupid thing with glossy screens is that they're completely unusable in the sun. Every year I spend half of the year in Thailand and want to get some work done by the pool...

You I was reading your post, my first thought was "who the hell works outside in the sun with a computer?", then, I read the next part about you wanting to work by the pool.

You're work habits, it sounds like, are definitely one of the far outlier scenarios if you were to look at the general pool of those that do work on a computer.

Perhaps my example here is also an outlier, but a lot of us live sound engineers who mix outside on digital consoles complain about how it's impossible to see the screens in sunlight. Even with a tent or shade structure at mix position, the usual screens are simply not bright enough. We also need to use our laptops in conjunction with the console (loading configurations, running audio-measurement software, etc).

So, yeah, there are people using computers outside in the sun ...

Comment Re:I think it's kinda silly (Score 1) 1002

Holy crap, AMEN to that! Vertical resolution was fine until HDTVs became popular. At which point everybody regressed and went to max 1080 high displays just so they could coin that they were "true HD" in marketing. All my pre-HDTV monitors are 1200px high. I consider that to be absolutely necessary. All my post-HDTV monitors are at most 1080 high, if even that (1050 is common). It's near impossible to find anything with 1200px high display with a reasonable price tag anymore.

AMEN! I've got a pair of Dell 2007FPs, which are 1600x1200 and literally twice as expensive as anything else in Dell's portfolio of 20"-class monitors (which are all so-called HD at 1920x1080). The whole wide-screen thing drives me nuts. Vertical space is where it's at for writing code, trying to look at a whole bunch of waveforms in ModelSim, etc. I sorta inherited a 24" HD monitor with a test-bed computer, and it takes up more space on my desk and has less usable resolution.

I tried rotating the 24" 90 degrees to get back the vertical resolution but it's way too tall that way.

Bring back 4x3 monitors!

Comment Re:What use for a BD-ROM or BD-R drive? (Score 1) 437

>>>BD-ROM is the spinny disk format for Movies. it's not for software.

With the exception of the millions of Software discs sold for ~50 million playstation owners. But that's such a tiny, small, insignificant market, so I can see why you ignored it.

And if you have a Mac, those Playstation discs are the equivalent of a coaster for your drink.

Comment Re:Compatible? (Score 1) 255

So you think that it would be as stupid for Intel to worry about the low end mobile market as it would have been for DEC to worry about the low end microcomputer market. After all DEC was making big money selling PDP-11s and VAXes. If they had come out with an inexpensive PDP-11 or even a 16 bit version of the VAX it could have cost them sales of the more expensive mini-line.

I guess you forget the Pro350. Don't worry, most people do.

Comment Re:bye bye bin (Score 1) 1855

Not sure what the motivation for making this up would be. There are likely going to be reprisals for this act.

What was the motivation for making up the Jessica Lynch or Pat Tillman stories?

Simple home-front moral building, in light of dwindling support for a war that had (and still has) no end in sight.

Comment Re:Release some educational rap videos. (Score 1) 138

Not if the jackbooted fed shitheads and their Christian lapdogs in the lobbying groups^W^W churches keep trying to fight against what states voted for.

Remember, we fought a war over this before and the federal government won.


The Civil War was fought over the issue of slavery. Anyone who claims otherwise is a fool who doesn't know history, or a racist pining for the Good Old Days when blacks knew their place.

Comment Re:Ah, the Republican Party ... (Score 1) 884

Which competition are you going to take your skills to if ALL businesses decide to place "unreasonable consideration upon" people's employment?

If I'm unsatisfied with the offerings made available I have the option to either start my own business or find another industry to work in.

Now is that something you've actually done, or is this just an example of mental masturbation?

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