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Comment Go back to Adam Smith (Score 1) 277

Classical liberal economics state 3 very simple conditions for a free market to work:

1. People are rational

2. People are free to choose what to buy, and who to buy from

3. They have perfect information

There are many reasons each of those conditions need gov't help not to be annihilated:

1. People are not that rational when it comes to health and death, or when they are addicted.

2. Monopolies. 'nuff said.

3. False advertising, misrepresenting investment risks, deliberately fucking up accounting, astroturfing, ...

Comment Great product? (Score 4, Funny) 166

- The user interface is the worst of any software product I've ever used, and I'm not exaggerating.

- The user documentation is even worse

- I'm told the developer documentation is worser still, esp. if you don't speak German.

- COBOL is so fucking awesome.

- It costs a leg, an arm, your first born and your left nuts. Oh and your soul.

Comment Re:Finding of fact? (Score 1) 298

> The drugs commonly used for animal feed additives are not the same ones used by people

That is simply bullshit; when they are not exactly the same, they are only slightly different, meaning that once a bacteria develops a resistance, it will resist the human-approved version.

> 4. Poor compliance of patients and over-prescription of antimicrobials by physicians is frequently cited as the most important source of antibiotic-induced resistance in bacteria. If the aim is to reduce resistance, this is a big target. It doesn't negate the importance of investigating feed additives, but this issue is of questionable importance in overall resistance concerns.

The main cause of death for young people is road accident. Let's concentrate on this and stop funding all research on AIDS or Cancer.

You're a moron, or a big troll.

Comment Is it proven? (Score 3, Insightful) 298

> For colds they'd be better off taking a zinc supplement at the onset of the symptoms.

Is it proven this works?

Why do you ask for proof when you yourself peddle dodgy alternative type remedies?

In any case colds are caused by viruses, and nobody who knows what an antibiotic is ever claimed it worked for those.

Comment Re:get real : Sarkozy's as "Fascist" as Obama (Score 1) 151

All privileges were abolished, and copyright is clearly not, so it cannot possibly be a privilege (it is, in fact, a right.

That word you use ... I don't think you know what it means. You're taking a figure of style (synecdoche) literally.

Not all privileges in the broadest sense of the word were abolished, only those afforded to particular classes. Some (not based on birth) were later reintroduced, such as some of those afforded to some professional corporations IIRC.

Today for example practicing medicine is a privilege in the same way as copyright is. It's got nothing to do with aristocratic privileges; however in law it's properly called a _privilege_. It's not _A_ right, because by default you don't have _the_ right.

Comment Re:get real : Sarkozy's as "Fascist" as Obama (Score 1) 151

Calling people fascist because of their copyright stance ? Come on.

I'm calling them fascists because they're pro-rich, pro-corporate racist thugs.

And copyright legislation is about the free expression of other's ideas. It has nothing to do with freedom of speech.

That is entirely incorrect. Copyright is not a _right_, it is actually a _privilege_. That's newspeak for you. That's why we speak of _royalties_ — back before modern copyrights were invented, their precursor were monopoly privileges granted by the king. After 1789, when privileges were abolished, the term got a negative connotation and I guess the Karl Roves of that time had already figured a few things about framing an issue.

Comment It's 2 rounds FPTP (Score 1) 151

It is true that first-past-the-post systems suck.

Problem is France does not use first-past-the-post!

There are many ways to elect a parliament. The two most common paradigms are district based FPTP vs. party based proportional. While the French system is not strictly "_first_ past the post" (you could call it first past the second post), it is definitely, absolutely nothing like proportional.

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