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Comment Re:No, it means you don't understand irony. (Score 1) 547

What I don't get-- and maybe you can explain this to me-- is if Christians aren't under the Mosaic Law (and I'm not so sure they aren't, Jesus made it clear he wasn't abolishing the law at all), then what moral code *are* they under? If the Mosaic Law, uttered by God Himself, isn't reflective of His Most Excellent Moral Code, then what is?

Comment Re:Yes, please. (Score 1) 989

One of the "species" definitions that biologists fall back on when running into this difficulty is whether two individuals can mate and produce offspring. This makes "species" refer to broader groups than usual (since we like to separate species by shape or functionality) but gives clear lines when one species has separated into two, for example, human beings with their 46 chromosomes and monkeys with the original 48.

Working with either definition confirms evolution, but you can use the more conservative one if you're having trouble.

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