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Comment Re:anonymously sourced evidence? (Score -1, Offtopic) 114

Well, yes your point does stand but AC is correct: it would stand with more authority if you took the time to google for correct details ...

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.

Fuck YOU! I pointed you (both) at a judge who'd been found recently to have used his position for personal gain. You demand I supply you with easily (!!!) found details.

FUCK you both. You have just as much access to the net's resources as do I.

My point still stands. You lazy twits can go play youtube (try youporn! :-) now. Your job is done. I'll suffer your ilk no longer. Grow up children!

Comment Re:Stingray (Score 3, Interesting) 114

At the lowest level of LTE the provider can take control of the phone at a lower level than the operating system.

I was just reading a story about the "Citizen Four" (Snowden) documentary. He worries they can quietly enable VOIP phones' mics. That's hardware; OS level stuff; "root/administrator" access. Considering their NSL access (to AT&T, et al), they have full control of anything they want to control of things you think you own.

If they can turn on the mic to listen in, surely they can read and slurp anything stored on the thing, and bolted on after the fact crypto isn't going to protect anything.

Orwell was a piker. But then, he wasn't a Musolini, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Mugabe, Abdulaziz, Stalin, Assad, ... (have I missed any? Oh yeah, Netanyahu, ...) nor a US president.

The Nazis won, because our democratically elected leaders adopted their methods.

Comment Re:Yeah yeah (Score 1) 114

Well, there you go. They're ideally suited. Poke some holes in the roofs to let out the smoke from cooking/heating fires, and maybe you non-homeless will never see or hear from them again. Win-win? Add solar panels to the roof and they can charge their iBaubles, post on /., hack facebook or crack banks; fun for all! Hey, maybe you can conscript them to attack Best Korea and ISIS, or fly drones for the military!

You don't even have to pay the cops to get them there. They'll volunteer to live there!

Comment Re:This should have been a no brainer (Score 1) 114

The government having access to this type of information at will does not make me secure from much of anything.

This is what we get for letting lawyers take control of civilization. We should have stuck with the poets (Vaclav Hamel), scientists (Hypathia, Archimedes, ... (too many to mention)), and philosophers (Aristotle).

We get what we deserve. We should take it all back, before we no longer can.

Comment Re:This should have been a no brainer (Score 1) 114

The founders meant actual, physical paper (made from wood pulp, no vellum or papyrus!) when they said "papers" and "effects" to specifically mean snuff boxes. Law enforcement are merely constitutional purists.

Sorry if that's a joke and I didn't get it (that happens to me a lot, as many here can attest).

I'm pretty sure they (founders & etc.) couldn't care less about their blank (yet to be used) "paper", whatever it was made from[*].

They were trying to protect ideas and opinions which had been committed to paper. G. Washington was a cryptographer and spymaster. It astonishes me that present day LEOs apparently don't know this. I'm a Canuck, and I know it. What's their excuse? Public school educations?

[*] A lot of them were also hemp farmers. It makes terrific fibre for rope and clothing, among other things.

Comment Re:anonymously sourced evidence? (Score 3, Interesting) 114

Then it's either sheer fucking arrogance that pushes them around obtaining a warrant (we're the "law", we don't need a warrant), or you are actually wrong, and they're harder than it appears on TV.

Oh, come on. A New York judge was recently busted for being in collusion with a young offender's prison. Damned near every kid who faced him got time. The cops could do no wrong, or it would hit him in his wallet.

Comment New icon? (Score 1) 114

I would just like to say /. needs a new icon for cellphone stories. The current one looks more like a calculator, even if its tooltip disagrees. I think maybe it ought to be one of those goofy looking bricks with an antenna we used to see sitting in the middle of tables last century.

However (careful what you wish for), please don't use an iBauble instead. That'd just be flamebait.

Carry on. Just a suggestion.

Submission + - Comet Summer Siding's about to graze Mars' orbit. Could we use this? (

tqk writes: The linked article explains that this thing started on its way here a million years ago. It's going to be going back out there. That would be one seriously celestial bird's eye view. That got me thinking.

We already have another mission about to harpoon an asteroid. Well, how about we try to harpoon Summer Siding and hitch a ride. It's handling the propulsion problem. We just have to meet it on its way through our neighbourhood. I'm imagining some sort of automated observatory.

Has this idea been considered (and shot down for a million reasons) before? If we can't use Summer Siding this way (it was only discovered in 2013), how about we gin something up for the next traveller that comes through? And the next one, and the next one, ... Pretty soon, we'd have a constellation of these things way the hell out there reporting back everything they can see.

That would be really cool, I think, not to mention pretty useful.

Comment Re:Hope! (Score 1) 522

You go do that with RHEL/CentOS 7 or with the expected package set for Jessie, and tell me what you come back with.

No thank you. I don't do RH (or Centos, or SLS, or its freres), for a reason. I'm a Debian guy. However, my friends do, and they have no problems with them.

I lean toward Slackware (and OpenBSD), but Debian's *better* (or my way). Meh. You go your way, I'll go mine. They all work, and much better than the comercial alternatives.

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