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Comment Re:Misleading title (Score 2, Interesting) 137

It's like those robo-signed foreclosures: the whole purpose of having a legal instrument is for some individual person to be responsible for saying essentially, "Yup, I checked this all out and it's legit." If you're processing these subpoenae automatically, and the input is overzealous or just wrong, then what?

Comment Re:How would it handle a large load? (Score 2) 499

You are correct. Sherpa does not calculate subsidies. It simply says they exist and you should go find out on

I think a nice new feature would be to ask a few questions to project your expected subsidy and calculate it for you. That adds complexity, but not as much complexity as the verification that the government site puts you through. (That's where all the IRS stuff comes in.)

Comment Here's the win. (Score 2) 499

Even with the Sherpa team's disclaimers, they've provided a really valuable service. How many people are going to go to the Sherpa site, quickly get information about what's available to them on the exchange, and decide that the exchange is not their best option? It has to be some double-digit percentage of people who would have wasted a lot of time being frustrated on

Basically, the Sherpa team has given us a great heuristic optimization, in which part of the load problem is handed off to where it can be handled easier, more effectively, and more cheaply. Nicely done!

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