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Submission + - Judge rejects SCO's motion for a new trial (

An anonymous reader writes: A judge has rejected SCO's motion for a new trial in the company's dispute over UNIX intellectual property ownership. The ruling validates a verdict that was issued in April by a jury which determined that Novell, and not SCO, is the rightful owner of the UNIX SVRX copyrights. This means that SCO cannot continue to pursue its litigation against IBM and other Linux users. "There was substantial evidence that Novell made an intentional decision to retain ownership of the copyrights," the Judge wrote in his decision. "The Court finds that the verdict is not clearly, decidedly, or overwhelmingly against the weight of the evidence. Therefore, SCO is not entitled to a new trial."

Comment Re:reproducibility (Score 1) 395

While this new technique may improve security, it seems to lack one important property of pseudo-random numbers that is required by many applications: reproducibility. Good luck finding the bug in your program with a stream of randoms you'll never be able to reconstruct again.

Oh, come on people. This is a JOKE. It's Funny, not, fercrissakes, Insightful.

Comment OMG PONIES!!!1! (was Re:Results and flash cookies) (Score 1) 265

If you know what sites every computer visits you could say, for example, that computers that visit Slashdot are unlikely to visit

There is, however, a very, very high correlation between Slashdot visits and on single-user computers over 3 years old. Not sure what that says about your thesis.

The Almighty Buck

Submission + - The decline and fall of Infinum

Samty writes: Just when you thought Infinium's shenanigans were over (/. coverage of their most famous stunt), Ars dug up a load of dirt on the company's continued questionable dealings. Phantom Entertainment, as they are now called, hasn't been able to pay its bills for years, its CEO is embroiled in a pump and dump fax scheme, and they keep issuing more stock to fund the operation despite having no real revenue. The company has blown $73 million and has nothing to show for it.

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