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Comment Re:Wireless charging (Score 1) 41

Are you really so dense ?

Technology exists for various brands of phones. They can pick one, pick several, let the customer choose, or wait for better standards that support all of them at the same time.

In each case, it's just a matter of picking off-the-shelf technology and sticking it in a car, which was the point of my first post.

Comment Re:Germany should pay war reparations for WWII (Score 2) 743

but a weak currency for Greece means that, for things Greece does not need to import, it becomes cheaper to live.

For things that don't require any import, it stays the same when measured in the local currency. But even local stuff in the supermarket needs oil for transportation, and oil needs to be imported. So, even in local currency, many goods and services will go up in price.

I don't understand what you mean by this

I mean that if you get a paycheck in Drachmas, and the Drachma drops in value, your paycheck is effectively gone down when measured in euros. You can get the same effect by keeping euros, and just lowering the amount. The difference is psychological. People don't like it when the number on the paycheck drops. They don't mind it as much when the number stays the same, and the currency drops by an equal amount.

Comment Re:They're bums, why keep them around (Score 1) 743

Taken to extremes it will mean hyperinflation and financial collapse but used judiciously it's a good economic tool.

I doubt that Greece with use it judiciously.

That means you can always run the printing presses to pay off your foreign debt

The current foreign debt is denominated in Euros. And for new debt, the problem is that every already knows they'll run the printing press to pay it off.

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