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Apple Announces iTunes 9, "LPs," Video Camera For the iPod Nano 521

Apple just finished their latest press event, and they revealed a number of new services and features for their products. They kicked things off by saying that iPhone OS 3.1 is now available. It will add the Genius recommendation technology to the App store, giving users suggestions on which apps they might find useful based on what others with similar needs use. They're also adding 30,000 ringtones that users can purchase. Next, they announced iTunes 9, which will use Genius to make mixes by analyzing songs in your library to see which go well together. iTunes is also seeing UI improvements for things like app management, and syncing utilities. You'll be able to easily transfer apps, music, and videos from one of your local devices to another, and there is integrated support for Twitter and Facebook if you want to send music as a gift. Another big new feature: iTunes LPs. These LPs will be a digital album with cover art, lyrics, videos, and other customized content created by the artists themselves. Moving on, they showed off a few new games: an Assassin's Creed sequel, an FPS called Nova that had impressive graphics and multiplayer capability, Riddim Ribbon, a futuristic driving/music game that lets you remix your songs by how you navigate the course, and Madden NFL 2010. Next, Apple announced a price cut for the 8GB iPod Touch and a doubling of available storage for the other models. It's also getting OpenGL 2.0. The iPod Classic is getting a storage upgrade from 120GB to 160GB. In addition, there are headphones that have a controller for the Shuffle. Finally, Jobs got down to his "one more thing": Apple will now be building a video camera into the back of every iPod Nano. Apparently it will be a simple matter to sync videos to your computer or put them up on YouTube, and they're building in an FM radio as well. A detailed liveblog of the event with a ton of screenshots is available at Engadget.
Classic Games (Games)

Sega Dreamcast Turns 10 193

traycerb writes "It's been 10 years since 9/9/1999, when the Dreamcast launched on American shores. The hardware was ahead of its time; online capability, web browser, a visual memory unit, and a controller that anticipated the much-loved Xbox 360 controller. The games were amazing: Jet Set Radio (the first popular 3d cell-shaded game on a console), Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (still the apotheosis of 2-d fighting; just try finding a copy on ebay), Soul Calibur (still looks good compared to the recent Xbox/PS3 versions), NFL 2K (came out of nowhere, and was so good that it shook EA into spending tens of millions of dollars to seal up exclusivity for NFL rights), and many others. No doubt some of the reasons for the Dreamcast's demise lay with Sega, whose dubious hardware decisions (ahem, 32x) finally caught up to them, in the form of ambivalence from both developers and gamers, just as the console-making world was shifting to the multinationals with big pockets who were willing to spend it on pricey hardware design (or could absorb the cost of faulty hardware design). It was also one of the first consoles widely used for homebrew. In honor of the 10th anniversary, a new game is being released for the Dreamcast, called Rush Rush Rally Racing. The Dreamcast is dead! Long live the Dreamcast!"
The Internet

Submission + - Bell Canada Urges CRIA To Sue Its Own Subscribers

An anonymous reader writes: Bell Canada has told a Canadian government copyright consultation that the recording industry should be suing its subscribers. The company argued that not suing sends the wrong message and that it is waiting for lawsuits. The comments come as Canadians are being squeezed by the recording industry on one side and the copyright collectives on the other as Canada's copyright consultation winds down. With only five days left to speak out on copyright, the music and movie groups are calling for a DMCA+ model that includes three-strikes and you're out, while copyright collectives want new taxes on iPods. Time for Canadians to have their say before it's too late.
PC Games (Games)

Submission + - Turbine Sues Atari Over Dungeons and Dragons

donweel writes: Courthouse News article states Turbine claims Atari acted unreasonably in its efforts to promote and distribute "DDO: Stormreach. Also claims Atari breached the agreements by accepting payments, including future royalty payments, in return for extending their relationship and paving the way for the launch of Turbine's free-to-play "DDO: Unlimited" service, though Atari knew it would not perform its obligations under the agreements. Turbine claims that Atari's purported "termination" was part of a strategy it conceived prior to the May 13 agreements that it would either terminate Turbine as part of a shakedown, or proceed with termination in bad faith to benefit from its own competing product at Turbine's expense. This is probably referring to the likely release of a NeverWinter Nights MMO by Atari, and that they took Turbines money while also planning a competing product.

Comment Re:$50 + Pay 2 Play = No thanks! (Score 1) 147

Dungeons and Dragons Online Is going free to play September the 9th. If you participated in the beta or are a subscriber you get to start the new Eberron expansion on the 1st of September. They plan to make money using the in game store, selling expansions, potions and other game enhancements. You can still pay and be a VIP member which allows you more privileges.

Submission + - Surround Sound Gaming Headphones ( 1

donweel writes: Psyko Audio Labs has a surround sound gaming headset for pre-order. Has little windows that tilt open to hear what is going on in real life. Sound is generated at the top and ducted down to the ears. Also has a subwoofer. Price is around $300 range. Supposed to give a gaming advantage by alerting you to what is creeping up behind you. If you are into bleeding edge gaming and don't mind something rather large on your head this is for you.

Comment Re:Aion will Flop (Score 1) 256

If you liked Elite which was amazing for it's size, (I was just a little binary file on an apple II floppy) you will enjoy Vedetta Online: I didn't enjoy Eve either, economy trading type strategy doesn't turn my crank. Vendetta you can trade but you have to elude, fight or pay off the pirates. Vendetta is pvp centric and runs on all platforms that matter.

Comment Re:Aion will Flop (Score 2, Interesting) 256

I have a similar experience. I kind of enjoyed the game casually leveling, and met some people along the way, but I really wanted to do raids. I got asked into a guild while questing in one of the newer areas of the Burning Crusade Expansion. Then things got interesting, it was a mature guild and the chat was ok but I didn't understand a lot of the chat and had to look up abbreviations in Wowwiki all the time. The Lich King expansion was just coming out and I ground like crazy to hit the level cap by release date. So I started raiding with the guild, I made some dumb mistakes and did ok at other times. Then the guild fell apart, so now I am almost geared for final Raids but not quite. I enjoyed raiding but don't want it to be a full time job. It seems like all the guilds around are either super elite, or quite lame. Hard to find a middle path. So I tried Warhammer Mac Beta, It has some nice graphics and some pretty good features, but it was pretty laggy for me. I thought the public quest idea was great where you just walk into an area and everyone that wanders in becomes grouped and can share in the loot which is rolled for automatically with extra chance for more participation. This game has potential. I also am involved in the Dungeons and Dragons Online beta test for their new expansion. This game is going free to play with an online store where you buy expansions, enhancements, and potions. Points for the store are also earned in some quests. Having played pen and paper D&D i clicked with the Dungeon Crawling experience right away. And found the chat to be usually mature and help-full. No hint of any lag, and the combat system is nice once you get used to it, as a rogue I could tumble away jump behind strike, and oh there is collision detection which makes combat more realistic. You aren't walking through a tank. The social interface works well which sucks in WoW, and you can find a group quickly. Once you are in there is a built in voice chat that you won't use much, cause as a group you move quickly through the instance and at the lower levels I was it with a group it was over quick where solo was a real problem. DDO is not as polished as WoW there is no search function in the auction house and it lacks some of the features of WoW but i think the core game has it where it counts in the combat system and full d&d rules. Free to play can't go wrong, have to run boot-camp for a while but I can fix that later with Codeweavers Crossover Games. Not sure if I will fully retire WoW I still enjoy the battle grounds and they are always expanding but I am going to see where DDO takes me. And as far as the Oriental Games go I was in Guild Wars beta it was fun as beta but when the actually game came out I became bored quickly, it was pretty, but the game play was not there.


Submission + - Laser-Etched Leaves Create Intricate Drawings (

Mike writes: "Brazilian design firm Tatil Designs has fine-tuned a system for creating gorgeous laser-etched leaves, transforming ordinary organic material into intricate pieces of art. The designers collected fallen leaves and then selected images ranging from animals to dancers, planes, and soup cans. The images were then laser cut into the dried leaves, which left a beautiful silhouette of the picture. The biodegradable design was used as an invitation and flier for the 55th Cannes Advertising Festival, and it just won a bronze medal in the 2009 IDEA awards."

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