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Germany Wants EU to Ban Violent Games 122

FredDC writes "Germany is seeking support among other European countries to ban violent videogames during its EU Presidency, according to Infoworld. In an initiative led by Franco Frattini, the European Justice commissioner, Germany is pushing for restrictions on the sale of games with violent content of any kind, from Half-Life to Star Trek . In the eyes of the EU, gaming and real-world violence is 'linked', and steps should be taken to prevent the purchase of these games by younger people. From the article: 'The German government said it will conduct a study of all the different national rules concerning video games, with a view to setting Union-wide norms. Its initiative makes the prospect of a ban much more likely. Video game violence became a hot political issue in Germany at the end of last year when 18-year-old Sebastian Bosse shot up a high school in Emsdetten, Germany, injuring 37 before fatally turning the gun on himself. Police said Bosse spent most of his waking hours playing Counter-Strike.'" This, just days after two Final Fantasy VII fans were arrested in connection with a series of killings.
The Courts

Submission + - Maker of phone still a mystery, but getting sued

netbuzz writes: "The maker of the cell phone has yet to be publicly identified or acknowledge involvement, but that's not slowing the legal action that was certain to spring from last weekend's residential hotel fire in California. Network World reports that a press conference could be held as early as tomorrow at which the maker of phone will almost certainly be unmasked. Efforts to learn that company's identity today proved an exercise in frustration. 6

(Note to Slashdot editors: This item is an update to one submitted early today that is still "pending." 5


Submission + - Why so many visitors on my dead blog

jurt1235 writes: "For the last two months, visitor numbers on my blog has gone up a 3 fold. My blog, which is essentially pretty dead since I migrated it to a new server incompatible with the blogging software (Bad right settings on Red Hat), is now getting more than 1000 hits a day, while about 50 normal visitors would be more inline. The visitors from about 1000 different IPs on one day, tend to "read the article" and than try to rate the article in the most weird way: — - [15/Jan/2007:23:27:09 +0100] "GET /rate_cgi.php?y=06&m=01&entry=entry060111-151258&r ating=1 HTTP/1.1" — - [15/Jan/2007:23:27:11 +0100] "GET /rate_cgi.php?y=06&m=01&entry=entry060111-151258&r ating=2 HTTP/1.1 " — - [15/Jan/2007:23:27:17 +0100] "GET /rate_cgi.php?y=06&m=01&entry=entry060111-151258&r ating=3 HTTP/1.1 " — - [15/Jan/2007:23:27:19 +0100] "GET /rate_cgi.php?y=06&m=01&entry=entry060111-151258&r ating=4 HTTP/1.1 " — - [15/Jan/2007:23:27:21 +0100] "GET /rate_cgi.php?y=06&m=01&entry=entry060111-151258&r ating=5 HTTP/1.1 "

This repeats many many times.

What I was wondering about if any other bloggers noticed this uptake in visitors amd this way of spamming? Could it be that many of the beloved Microsoft Windows systems are abused again in bot style to promote some pills or "real diamant watches"?"

Journal Journal: Slashdot is a lobbyist

I've come across this site which hopes to stop the lobbying reform, which is part of the first 100 hours package the democrats are passing, from applying to normal political organizing. Basically, you'd have to report to the government if you asked people to contact their representatives. So, on issues like net neutrality, or GPL'd software or intelectual property slashdot might be considered a lobbyist. The Nat

Submission + - RIAA and SWAT jointly raid DJ's studio

NetDanzr writes: Last night, SWAT, Atlanta police and the RIAA jointly raided the studio of DJ Drama, a radio personality and mixtape artist. Tyree Simons, also known as DJ Drama, was selling his mixtapes over the Internet, which caught the attention of the RIAA and the Atlanta police. Even though an RIAA representative claimed massive copyright infringement, footage from the raid shows that only DJ Drama's mixtape CDs were found and confiscated. Altogether, over 50,000 CDs, studio equipment and a car were impounded, and two people were arrested.

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