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IEEE Says Multicore is Bad News For Supercomputers 251

Richard Kelleher writes "It seems the current design of multi-core processors is not good for the design of supercomputers. According to IEEE: 'Engineers at Sandia National Laboratories, in New Mexico, have simulated future high-performance computers containing the 8-core, 16-core, and 32-core microprocessors that chip makers say are the future of the industry. The results are distressing. Because of limited memory bandwidth and memory-management schemes that are poorly suited to supercomputers, the performance of these machines would level off or even decline with more cores.'"

Submission + - LiberTV has launched

Octavian writes: "LiberTV — the free video distribution platform launched Bucharest, Romania, March 05, 2007 — - — LiberTV, a high quality video distribution platform has been launched internationally, after 6 months of testing and huge success in Romania. The application includes a channel guide, a video collection manager and a built-in video player, all combined in an easy to use interface, which enables anyone to easily find, download and watch high quality video content. LiberTV supports all widely used video formats and implements a peer-to-peer data distribution technology, similar to BitTorrent. LiberTV was designed to be accessible to everyone — it's simple and easy to use, requires no additional installations and is efficient in terms of memory and CPU usage. "We have designed LiberTV for my grandmother, who is 84. If she can watch Internet video with LiberTV — everyone can", says Florin Braghis, company founder and development lead, who is also a TV producer and a comedian. "We wanted to create an alternative video distribution technology, so that independent artists, like myself, could share their work with the entire world and break the dependency on corporate TV stations without spending a fortune on bandwidth bills or having to sacrifice video quality", he adds. Currently, LiberTV aggregates hundreds of free internet shows, available as podcasts on the Internet. The company currently seeks contracts with TV and film producers around the world in order to expand their content. You can check out the application (still in beta) at http://www.libertv.tv/ Interview Contact Florin Braghis, Telephones: +40 31 808 82 91 +40 788 328 308 +40 21 326 63 40 E-mail: contact@libertv.tv http://www.libertv.tv/"

Submission + - AnyDVD updated, now removes Blue-Ray DRM

mariushm writes: "SlySoft has just updated AnyDVD HD, offering users the possibility of watching Blue-Ray media without DRM. This comes after only two weeks from the first release which was able to remove DRM from HD-DVD.

Version has lots of features but probably the most important one is stripping the evil DRM infection from Blu-Ray and restore your fair use rights.

The free upgrade can also remove region encoding, works on Windows XP-64 and Vista-64, and fixes a ton of bugs. You can get the update or a trial copy here."

Submission + - ESA to create backup satellites

Matthew Sparkes writes: "The frequencies allotted to the Galileo satellite navigation system, the European GPS, will be safeguarded with a new backup satellite. Under the rules of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), an operator risks losing frequency rights if a break in service lasts longer than two years. Therefore, if their satellites malfunction, ESA could lose the frequency altogether. "From now on, there will always be a European navigation satellite in space," the ESA announcement promised. Of course, China could still blow up and replace the system."

Submission + - Automagic parallelization with Codeplay Sieve C++

Max Romantschuk writes: "From an article in the Inquirer:

What Sieve is is a C++ compiler that will take a section of code and parallelize it for you with a minimum hassle. All you really need to do is take the code you want to run across multiple CPUs and put beginning and end tags on the parts you want to run in parallel.
Is this the Silver Bullet of parallelization? There's more info on Sieve on Codeplay's site."

Submission + - Coverity Scan Turns 1

gQuigs writes: "Coverity's Scan has helped developers find and fix 6,035 defects in open source code. Today they launched it anew for Scan's birthday.
100 New projects were added including dbus, cups, flac, gnupg, and many other libraries. Go check it out and see if the project you like is covered.
The New 100 are listed here: http://scan.coverity.com/rung0.html
Number of Defects not included (yet)."
Input Devices

Submission + - Razer Mouse Goes 3G

An anonymous reader writes: Razer's newest mouse, the DeathAdder, is a very interesting product. Not only is it Razer's first mouse to come out after the company teamed up with Microsoft on the Habu gaming mouse, but it is their first mouse to use the company's 3G optical sensor. The infrared sensor is touted as an alternative to using a laser and is said to have different characteristics- and it's own advantages- when compared to the laser used on mice like the Habu and Razer's Copperhead. The company has a white paper that explains with more details, but reviews are appearing as well.

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