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Comment Re:Thanks, media (Score 5, Interesting) 910

I completely disagree with you on the types of indoctrination. I see the following lies being taught:

The government will take care of you
If you fail, it's society's fault.
If it's not society's fault, it's your competitor's fault.
If it's not your competitor's fault, it's the government's fault for not taking care of you.
It's NEVER your fault, because you are a unique snowflake who is entitled to all the riches in the universe, given to you by the government
The rich got where they are not by creating wealth for themselves, but by taking it away from others - despite the fact that those others are more prosperous as well

Community is tribal behavior, which hurts the individual for the sake of the group. If the group then benefits individuals, then that's the way it's supposed to work, but when those groups feed off of individuals to benefit themselves as though the group is the ends and not the means, as is the case with government and many churches, then it's time for those individuals to leave the group. The solution is to break out of the shackles of 'community' and embrace individualism - only there can we be truly free. Once free, those individuals can re-form institutions, free from corruption (for a while anyway).

Comment Re:Trust?? (Score 4, Insightful) 1128

>There is no "trust" in science - there is nothing to "believe."

Close, but you're missing the point. Science is not the natural laws of the universe, science is the study of those laws, and it's scientists (in the mind of conservatives, think of them as 'people who claim to know more than the rest of us') that conservatives don't trust. In order for someone to believe you're telling the truth, they have to trust you. If they don't trust scientists to tell them the truth, then science itself becomes untrusted. In the Conservative vs. Liberal wars, we have two camps that each consist of leaders and followers. Followers follow the leaders, not because they always agree with them, but because they **trust** them. Is that trust misplaced? Possibly, on both sides.

Want to know why self-proclaimed Conservatives oppose things like the health care law? It's not because they won't benefit (obviously they will benefit in far greater numbers than more wealthy liberals), it's because it's been successfully branded 'Obamacare', and they simply do not trust Barack Obama to do anything that won't hurt them. His image, to them, is that of a subversive radical Muslim (who wasn't even born here) who is trying to take over the country, and must be stopped at all costs. It has nothing to do with the fact that they can't get insurance, can't get healthcare, whatever. The issues don't matter, it's the image that counts.

Comment Re:Trust?? (Score 0) 1128

>There is no "trust" in science - there is nothing to "believe." Close, but you're missing the point. Science is not the natural laws of the universe, science is the study of those laws, and it's scientists (in the mind of conservatives, think of them as 'people who claim to know more than the rest of us') that conservatives don't trust. In order for someone to believe you're telling the truth, they have to trust you. If they don't trust scientists to tell them the truth, then science itself becomes untrusted. In the Conservative vs. Liberal wars, we have two camps that each consist of leaders and followers. Followers follow the leaders, not because they always agree with them, but because they **trust** them. Is that trust misplaced? Possibly, on both sides. Want to know why self-proclaimed Conservatives oppose things like the health care law? It's not because they won't benefit (obviously they will benefit in far greater numbers than more wealthy liberals), it's because it's been successfully branded 'Obamacare', and they simply do not trust Barack Obama to do anything that won't hurt them. His image, to them, is that of a subversive radical Muslim (who wasn't even born here) who is trying to take over the country, and must be stopped at all costs. It has nothing to do with the fact that they can't get insurance, can't get healthcare, whatever. The issues don't matter, it's the image that counts.

Comment Re:the TFS only talks about the economics (Score 2) 435

I think it's commercial wholesale pricing - the types and volumes of panels you'd use for a massive solar plant in the desert somewhere, not the type of kit you'd put on your roof. They're talking about $1/watt because they're comparing it to the equivalent cost of coal fired electricity, and the $1/watt figure is an apples-to-apples comparison.

Comment I totally remember this! (Score 1) 98

Wow... Back then I was doing tech support in my first IT gig. It was a summer job while I was in College. I was doing tech support for a reseller that serviced small to mid-sized businesses. One of our clients had purchased Windows 95 PCs, an HP Laserjet 4si, and WordPerfect for Windows 3.11. Due to a bug between Windows and WordPerfect, the client was completely unable to print. There was no fix -- WordPerfect's printing engine was completely incompatible with Windows 95. I was completely unable to fix the problem. Is this the same issue they're litigating over?

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