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Comment If you really want an answer (Score 1) 71

I had an internship at a place that did research bringing things like this to market. The problem isn't just marketability. The problem is being able to reproduce something. There is a big gap between what one very smart person can do in their lab, and what a factory can produce. A technique that can't be mass produced can't help the masses. Profit is obviously a motive, and that's an entirely different discussion. That being said, a lot of really interesting research is lost because it can't be made into a product, and it's a big problem. Even if a charity wanted to give this away for free, it's not possible without being able to make this into a mass marketable product.

Comment What if you give the suits what they want? (Score 4, Interesting) 234

Post a job ad, with a caveat in the description that developers can't see the code they are supposed to work on. Report back when you don't get any results. Have some conversations with recruiters and candidates, and document the WTF reactions while you're at it. It may also be worth getting different quotes from the team you wanted to hire: one at a rate with reasonable accommodations that allow them to do their jobs, and another where they will have to deal with endless BS because management doesn't trust anyone. The truth of the matter is that someone really, really wants to target your company, they will. An employee could steal something. You could be hacked. A very determined assailant, given enough time and resources, will get to you. There are tradeoffs made to account for this possibility, while allowing enough latitude for people to do their jobs. It's the same with this group of contractors. If they really, really wanted to steal from you, then they could, and no amount of legal procedure would stop them. If they have built up a good reputation, then they probably won't do this. At the end of the day, this gets down to managing the fear level of your superiors, and it may mean letting something go undone until they come around to letting go a little bit.

Comment Which tests were more or less accurate? (Score 1) 37

The article mentions a $250 cheek swab test for breast cancer risk. These tests are being sold to all sorts of doctors, and interpretation is included. Is this test more or less accurate than blood testing done for a BRCAplus panel done by a geneticist? Are *all* genetic test results prone to this kind of error in interpretation, or just the cheap commodity ones? Which ones are better? Is the test itself inaccurate, the interpretation, or both? Vague article is vague. Scaring people without actionable data is irresponsible and cruel, especially when we're talking about people who are concerned enough about these cancers to have sought out testing for risk.

Comment Re:Why not code at home? (Score 1) 353

Yes, I did read that part. I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect him to a buy a license of his own for this software. If he's not directly competing with his employer, then he might be able to develop some add-ons that don't collide with his employer's business. I agree with you entirely about what will probably happen if OP starts selling company code from his day job.

Comment Why not code at home? (Score 2) 353

IANAL. If you really want to explore this, though, you should get one. Your employer is paying for you to code on company time. It is reasonable to expect that anything you develop on company time becomes the property of the people who have paid you for that time, especially if you are using company resources to do so. Why not develop your own projects at home on your own time? There's much less room for a theft argument if you use your laptop, your internet, your tools and your time.

Comment How is this even necessary? (Score 4, Interesting) 85

Law enforcement has access to this information *anyway* via the phone company. Many, probably most carriers are complying with warrantless wiretaps *anyway* - Verizon and ATT are known to do so. Is it really that goddamn hard for the police to ask for this data? And why does the FBI need to hide this?

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