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Comment Re:What does it matter? (Score 2) 268

You will either own a robot, maintain a robot, program a robot, ask "would you like fries with that" or be unemployed.

Industrial robots are becoming much cheaper and easier to use. Within a decade I suspect everyone will know someone on their block with one, either a small CNC router or 3D printer. Pick and place robots to make complicated circuit boards are replacing old school line workers who could solder like they had a master's degree in it.

Comment Pet Rock & Carbon Credits (Score 1) 303

I often feel stupid when I hear about the dumb things people sell and my initial reaction is "that has got to be so stupid no one would buy it". Yet over and over again I am proven wrong. Pet rocks are nearly the ultimate of this, along with the green painted ones that were Kryptonite. That was until carbon offset cards were first sold and I was trying to figure out what you were buying with them. As bad of an idea as this is, I already know it will work like gangbusters even when I don't participate.

One day I too will come up with something so stupid and easy to make that everyone will rush out to buy. The only problem is I will think its so dumb I won't bother doing it.

Congratulations EA.

Comment Re:your ISP is becoming a government asset. (Score 0) 418

What I find amusing, as accurate as your rant is, is how much money has been printed/borrowed and stolen in the last 4 years. It is mind boggling what has been going on and every time its mentioned the person mentioning it is labeled a racist.

Everyone SHOULD know about the stimilus being a union hand out to fund the DNC elections. However the EPA has a "sue and settle" scam going on and they have recently gotten into trouble for using private emails to conduct EPA business to set these up.

Your rant about the Patriot act is exactly what they want. They could care less about that, but as long as you rant about the Patriot act you are missing the millions and billions they are outright stealing from the US taxpayer.

Comment Re:Blame the market bulls ... (Score 3, Interesting) 131

Close. Its the SOX rules, amongst others, that are killing a lot of public companies. Where I work we had public bonds before SOX became law and after that the quickest we could we got rid of them so we don't have to follow those rules.

Of course after the story of MF Global and Corzine, I'm not sure why they bothered to pass SOX if they won't enforce the law in a textbook example of someone breaking it.

Comment Re:Effectiveness of "Do Not Call"? (Score 3, Interesting) 235

What if Dish Network could call you every week to ask you if you wanted to switch off cable?

I solved a similar situation, a long distance company kept calling me. One day I had some time to burn, sorry for them. Within 2 minutes the guy knew he wouldn't have a sale. 35 minutes into the call his supervisor came on to make sure everything was ok. I finally let him go at 50 minutes. Every time he attempted to hang up I asked "Are you hanging up on me?" which I guess is illegal according to the FCC. I believe I got put on a special list to never call again because aking to not be called by them the 7 times before didn't work but this trick did work.

Comment Contractor vs Benefits (Score 0) 455

We currently have this today already. If you are a contractor you can work from home almost every time, and are usually encouraged to. Just like the summary, the work was sub-contracted out.

What the writer wants is pay by the hour, benefits, and a whole list of other things that contractors don't get. Benefits can be calculated on a per hour basis. Contractors usually work on a per peice basis and for the most part the employer doesn't care what hours it takes them to do it, just as long as they can hit the agreed upon schedule. I think for this to work and be "fair" to everyone the people working at home would be on a per item work and not have benefits. Such as $10 per widget assembled, assemble as many as you like when you like.

Comment Re:gerrymandering (Score 0) 183

I hear this a lot about gerrymandering, and I understand how it works for state legislatures and for the US House of Representatives. However, I don't think it affects the US House all that much, I know of a few examples but its not like more than a few seats.

My question to you is... How does gerrymandering affect US Senate or US preseidental elections? Or for state governors for that matter? I don't think it does.

Comment Its racist (Score 0, Troll) 183

No, requireing a voter to identify themselves is always racist and a way to conduct voter suppression. Since all the cardinals know each other and you have to be known in order to vote it is OBVIOUSLY the method used to prevent the minority from voting, not to give them an equal vote.
I read it here what I'm told is a relyable source according to /. readers.

Of course I'm a little confused by facts though. Like you said it gives the minority an equal vote and I can't find an intelectually honest argument against that. I also have this story where a black woman voted 6 times last year where voter id doesn't exist, something the Mother Jones article said never actually happens or could happen.

But, in order to not be called a racist/bigot and tea party moron, I'll have to ignore the facts and keep with the statement that voter id continues to suppress the black vote and the Catholic church should be ashamed for suppressing the votes of minorities in this situation the way they are. After all its not about facts anymore in this world, its all about not being called names by the left as they seem to have lost this debate with facts but still can rely on their name calling.

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