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Comment Re:confusion? (Score 1) 153

actually, the police have a warrant that permits them to arrest for arrestable offences. the police seldom don't know what is and isn't an arrestable offence though as I can attest. I was once "arrested" until I explained to the officer that my "crime" wasn't actually an arrestable offence and they could only arrest me during the commision of the crime or if it was likely to recur (which it wasn't), so they would need a proper warrant to arrest me. the matter was dropped.

Comment Re:I have an question (Score 5, Funny) 63

The foor is a little known keyboard elf that causes's typo, they like to live under spacebars as this allows them greater room to breed but it is not unknown for them to inhabit any key on a keyboard. They are a distant cousin of the Mouse-monkey that yanks your pointer to that link you really shouldn't have clicked - these are responsible for a large number of relationship breakups amongst humans.

Comment well done to her (Score 2) 63

There's a great tradition of self sacrifice for the benefit of scientific knowledge the name Curie and Rutherford spring to mind although they are both what might be termed as "uninformed sacrifices" at the time - but have reaped a huge benefits for scientists and the general public at large. I'm also mindful of intentional infestation with hookworm as a cure for all sorts of ailments from asthma to IBD - all with a modicom of sucess that hopefully peer review that will better our experience of being human beings. Way to go, this is how to science!

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