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Comment What about... (Score 1) 387

So all you NASCAR fans coming out of the wood work (and racing fans in general) I have a questions. Are there any motor racing events without restrictions to (at least) the engines?

As a huge nerd...I'd love to see a motor sport that is more about the ability to manufacture some crazy ass vehicle than how good the driver is.

Submission + - Your C# Executables: Now Even More Unsafe ( 2

Redmancometh writes: So I have made hacks for a few semi-popular games that involve C#. Recently I discovered a library called mono.cecil which made ILcode manipulation relatively painless. After discovering this I put a bit of my infosec background to use. So...I used it to make an application that allows the injection of "agent" dlls into a bytecode assembly (exe or dll.)

Features currently available
: — Search directories for .net assemblies. Filter for .exe/.dll and whether or not to search recursively.
  — Get assembly of running process and determine if it's .net. If so, add to file list
  — Specify entry point for "jumpMethod()" instructions in C# dll assemblies from the GUI. This guarantees you can hook something that you know will be called.
  — Can completely replace entry point method if the option is specified
  — Can inject code from specified agent into all constructors in target assembly. Separate methods in agent correspond to instructions inserted at top/bottom of constructors respectively.
- Can inject code from specified agent into all methods of target assembly. Separate methods in agent correspond to instructions inserted at top/bottom of methods respectively...No checkbox yet, just an argument. I'll add the checkbox when methods can be hooked via select-able BindingFlag filters

Here are some photos:
The good:
      — A means of instrumentation in C#. The ability to fully interact with the code causing you runtime.
      — The ability to deploy patches to 3rd party C# applications extremely easily.
      — Very few pieces of malware written in C# are "stealthy"
      — C# has authentication checks when accessing fol
The Bad:
    — I can cheat in all your .net games.
    — It can search specifically for .net assemblies, or the assemblies of chosen processes, and inject .net code into them. This could be used maliciously..and make injected code quite hard to remove.

So you know, never trust a .net binary again. I'll be releasing the application once it's 100% done. Currently it works with about ~90% of C# assemblies with a pretty significant agent payload. Let me know what you guys think, and let me know if you have any ideas. I'll be releasing the first version in the next week or so.

Comment No, just no. (Score 1) 311

Eight instruction can, in fact, be executed simultaneously. Run a parallel CompletableFuture task or something, and this becomes extremely obvious. Each parallel "run" use a ClassTransformer to see the ASM instructions being run with a locking (NOT a re-entrant lock) counter, and a \n every 8 locks/unlocks.

You will see 8 ASM instructions at a time.

That being said...physically they aren't cores, and shouldn't be referred to as such. They should have referred to them with their own term "module." If they didn't...they should be sued.

Comment Re: What's The Vector, Victor? (Score 1) 93

Javascript doesn't attack a browser in the classical sense. The way you cause damage with JS is poisoning the browser's cache. So you add something sketchy to the cached version of a given webpage.

The classical route of this attack is a proxy that injects code to cache sketchy objects on top of the cache of any page visited. The cache expiration is set to something ridiculously high, so it's not removed without clearing the cache.

So for example injecting an ad that wasn't there before into youtube, slashdot, etc. Every time the user loads the page they load your ad, and get you an impression.

So yes this is strictly limited to browsers, and even within the browser is quite limited.

I asked if you meant Java, because there have been attacks in Java that can escape the browser sandbox and modify system files. Potentially java could be used to infect a server via a means besides a browser.

Flash is not on servers, no one checks email on servers, and no one views word/excel documents on a server. Word/excel files may be "viewed" on a server, but that would be for processing. In which case they would be accessed using something like the mono interop API (C#) or Apache tika/POI. So embedded bytecode wouldn't be executed.

I suppose these things could happen on a windows servers, but if you're admin is browsing and checking his email on a server...ffs

Comment Re: Socalim is organized psychopathy (Score 1) 399

"overpaid" exec here...chief information officer. If I got to work 60 hours it would be a blessing. Most executives work literally twice the hours, and cause 10x more to happen per given hour than any employee there. Then we go home and file dailies/weeklies and get 4hrs of sleep.

Outside of leviathan-esque companies this is mostly true

Comment Re:Get over it (Score 0) 190

As an ISS professional I'm looking forward to the advent of chip-and-pin in the US. All the extra mandatory PCI-compliance auditing, and pen-testing contracts are going to be great.

I'm so excited for all the data breaches after attackers are able to leverage the card as a means to compromise the point of service.

Also the nostalgia of seeing all these super-micro pieces of malware combined with "interesting" hardware hacks is probably going to make me tear up a little bit.

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