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Comment Re:Download from the source (Score 1) 324

They just do a Google search, and click the first result (usually an ad that's practically guaranteed to be something bad.)

And the search is performed by searching for google.com in the search bar on their home page, (even if some form of google is their home page) putting the actual URL into the search field on google...http://tech.slashdot.org/story/15/01/13/1513247/how-to-hijack-your-own-windows-system-with-bundled-downloads#

Comment Re:Great! (Score 2) 124

You need the "fire drill" plan created and typed out, then scheduled? Sure I'll put on my Fire Marshal hat and get to work on that...

Oh, what's that, you say that I'm also the new graphic designer, and I have deadlines for that stuff? OK, I'll get to that first...

You say that they can't print in Accounting either? And someone is having issues with their mouse, but you aren't sure who it was or what the problem was, but it needs fixed right now, and all the guys we hired three months ago had their passwords expire and they need them reset right now so they can log in and work?

I'll get right on it I guess...

Comment Re:Makes sense. (Score 1) 629

So, Google should update the older software, and then the users phones still wouldn't get patched because it actually has to be done by the manufacturers, and then approved by the service provider, neither of which want you to still be using your old phone.

As to Apple, well, they just make sure that all your devices have the newest version of iOS, which will always run like crap on the older phones, driving those upgrades to the new phones that come out a month after the upgrade...

Want your older version of iOS patched? Well all you have to do is upgrade to the latest version and kill your phone's performance. Don't want to do that, then Apple will gladly tell you that they don't support the older software anymore.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 272

Yeah, caught that right after I posted it. I meant "resources" not just fuel. You'll need five times the medicine. Five times the food. Five times the raw materials. You'll have to replace all the things that wear out that aren't easily recyclable. How many jump suits will people need for the journey? Even things like screw drivers will need to be replaced. You can 3D print stuff, but you'll need a lot more of the material for the 16ly trip.

It's nice to say that we'll have the technology to magic all that stuff up on the ship, but if we're going to play that game, then why not just use our Infinite Improbability Drive to just get to the destination instantly?

Comment Re:"Take your time for a thoughtful response" (Score 1) 272

THat's the idea. We colonize Mars. The second star comes in and it's gravitation effects either fling mars out into he galaxy, or you luck out and they start orbiting the new star. Either way, people are now colonizing the rest of the galaxy (at least after the ones in scenario 1 find a new star and thaw out...).

Comment Re:MicroSD card? (Score 1) 325

Some apps are hard coded for different places that they save pictures. That's based on the developer. While I much prefer being able to tell it where exactly I want my pictures, most of them save everything in roughly the same place (DCIM or Pictures) so it's never that much of an issue.

As to the rest of your problems, never had to use a command line to connect my phone (outside of when I initially rooted it). If you want my suggestion, grab something like BitTorrent Sync. Set it up, and it will sync your pictures to your computer. If you want to, you can even write a script to move them to a different directory after they have synced over.

You can also set the app to only sync over wifi and only when charging, so it doesn't use up your carrier data or drain the battery. It's a great app.

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