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Comment Re:Checkmate. (Score 0) 374

The terms may get smeared, but people have to realize without freedom of speech you are going nowhere. This doesn't mean that having it automagically fixes all the problems, just that not having it will put you back.

About the Islamists in Iran I must say that actually most of the people were at least partly Islamists, even the liberals didn't put up much resistance and cooperated with the Islamists. At the beginning even commies were promised freedom of speech. The people just didn't know what an Islamic state really meant. And I am talking about close relatives here.

The thing with Islamic states, or possibly any ideology based government, is that there always are some people who are trying to get on top of the others by upholding the "values" more strongly. This leads to a sort of "charlatanism filter" were the government gets more and more radicalized. So no matter how well the initial intentions are, and I believe the initial intentions of the people and the people who set up the government were pretty good, you end up in a mess. Also nice to point out is the fact that most of the people who founded the IR are now either dead or rejected by the current system.

End line is: separation of church/mosque from state is good. Freedom of speech is needed and you won't know it till you loose it.

Comment Re:We need an alternative business model (Score 0) 312

I give two solutions. One is to regulate the pay to use model using strong customer representatives that can negotiate with the producers. I am sure these already exists, I just don't know any. For example broadcasting companies can be thought as such.

The second is to use a model where we somehow pay developers and where they own rights to the material up to a given pay (say 100$ per hour of work that has been put in). After that the software is free. Even better is if we think of the software as owned by the people who paid for it, anyone who wants to use it has to buy his/her fair share. As more people buy every gets reimbursed and eventually the cost of owning the software will drop to zero.

Comment We need an alternative business model (Score 0) 312

Obviously the free to use model is not optimal as there will be little incentive on developing free stuff. With all due respect towards the dearly held Linux fanbois, I can't find a stable Linux kernel which has snd-aloop.ko in Debian. Also I don't want to spend $50 of my time or someone else's to fix what can should be fixed once and shipped out to many. On the other hand I believe the pay per copy model isn't the best neither. Firstly there is the software reuse case, company A has created software xA, company B has no way to reuse company A's software. He is forced to redo the work which leaves him with a high entry barrier. This also serves to kill the competition. Another problem with the pay per copy model is that it's unfair. Should the economy really pay 1 million dollars if a film is watched a million times? I believe that there should be a logical cap. Also another case is where a guy creates a piece that is given a 90 on the scale while the other gets 91. The 91'er gets all the glory while the 90 will be inferior and get much less attention, while one could argue that the competition was the thing that made the 91 what it is.

Comment Re:Checkmate. (Score 0) 374

I believe that the Russian's real mistake was ignoring free speech. Without it what ever you do will end bad. The same problem here in Iran. The protestors did well ousting the shah, but they should have secured their freedom of speech first. Instead... the rest will have to wait till I get out :)

Comment Re:Instead of calculus (Score 0) 1086

Even better than linear algebra is probability theory and statistics. This has applications in Gui design, databases, ... I can't think of any more applications, but I am sure it is more useful than Linear Algebra. :) We don't do as much optimization or linear algebra in our work as the amount of time we spend deciding between two or more choices. Also probability theory and statistics is something that we can use everyday.

Comment Re:Statistics anyone ? (Score 0) 73

This depends on how many three planet systems we have seen. And I don't think that there is a lot although IANAA. Furthermore the statistical significance of the matter can be higher if the resolution of the measurement is high enough. In this case we have planets passing in front of stars giving us the signals, depending on the radius of orbit the resolution can be pretty high.

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