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Comment Re:So what is so great about Anonymous? (Score 2) 96

My personal take is that this is a dual part answer. Anonymous is as awesome as it is terrible. The idea of anonymous is what I think I would champion most.

There are some good things done by the faceless group... and there are stupid childish things done by the faceless group.. neither the same part of the whole, but still apart of the group.

From this we see community, and from internet community, we see weirdos. Just depends on how deep you're wanting to look.

Comment we... are... nuoh my god that's alot of money (Score 1) 427

There is a good documentary on HULU right now that covers this called "We're not broke." This entire problem is a result of actions taken in the 70's. Our government was originally hijacked by banks first, and subsequently many corporations. What this makes me wonder is that if this cash was allowed to "flow back" at once... would it have an measure of inflation with it?

Comment Tampering (Score 1) 412

I wonder what the school's policy is on tampering with the device. Working for a Texas School not to terribly far away, I've wondered quite a bit about this case.

The school is willing to deactivate the device by taking the battery out... and if applicable to one student it would be applicable to all, no? So why not have all students just remove the batteries. System deactivated. Problem solved.

Comment Re:ontrack (Score 0) 279

Hah! As much as I use macs both personally and in my profession, far from the Apple fanboy status, I assure you.

Just was making an honest statement about my experiences with Apple Maps. I can aim to come up with something immediately more negative next time if you would like. :)

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