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Comment Re:100% disagree (Score 1) 139

I agree with you, but I think there's merit even in those quantifications that turn out useless. This sort of science, at least the way you describe it being done, is really shooting in the dark. Sometimes you find an interesting and meaningful correlation or analysis, but more often than not you're juggling and sorting numbers to no useful end. People will always pay to keep taking shots.

Comment Re:Globalize where? (Score 2) 193

A bit of a sidetrack, but this is what most disappointed me about the whole NSA surveillance thing. We (the US) have probably the greatest ability of any country to protect freedom on the internet and be a force for free speech and expression in the world, yet our trampling of the 4th amendment is squandering that. We *claim* to bring freedom to other countries with guns and bombs, yet fail an opportunity to bring it to them with technology and computers.

Comment Steam Rentals (Score 1) 261

I don't think Valve should be forced to make the changes necessary to make individual games transferrable, but I think they should have to make it clear that you do not have the right to do as you please with your "copy." I know it's in the EULA, but they should stop calling them "sales" and "purchases" and call them what they are: rentals. That said, they can't stop you from selling your entire account and giving over your login/password. In the US, the first amendment would protect your right to divulge that information no matter what the EULA says.

Comment Burden of Proof (Score 0) 243

If she's seeking reinstatement, I think the burden of proof is on her to show she deserves it. If she doesn't want to give up her privacy, she doesn't have to take legal action against her former employer to try and get her job back. On a side note, would you really want to work a job in which an agency like this forced your employer to keep you on?

Comment Ironic Consequences (Score 1) 976

After Sandy Hook, I remember some states were attempting to create a public listing of gun owners showing who they are and where they live. Some former burglars pointed out that this list could be used to help them target houses that do not own guns. In an ironic twist, this listing would have incentivized people who don't own guns to purchase one and make sure the listing shows that they own it, for their own safety.

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