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Comment I wouldn't bet on this "problem" getting fixed: (Score 1) 345

"The department’s authorized 2013 budget, after sequester, totals $565.8 billion - by far the largest chunk of the annual federal budget approved by Congress. Yet the Pentagon is literally unable to account for itself. As proof, consider that a law in effect since 1992 requires annual audits of all federal agencies – and the Pentagon alone has never complied."

Comment Gross. (Score 1) 657

This is gross, and is insulting to the consumer. During thanksgiving, 1/2 of my family was using or thinking about buying Apple products, and it's primarily because of outrageous practices such as this. 50 crapware programs pre-installed? Is this comedy?

Comment Re:nobody ain't got no money anymore (Score 5, Informative) 313

As someone who was part of an online business that got 80% of first time sales from google ads, I disagree. You're also sorely mistaken if you think that successful web businesses don't track ROI and which customers are coming from where. It's incredibly easy to do even for a layman, and it's very hard to make money with an ebusiness without doing it. There are so many companies in every product category that staying alive comes down to SEO and ad management.

Comment Re:Interesting (Score 2) 78

If spiders can learn how to build a web in zero gravity after a few tries (, it's safe to say that birds/fish would probably be able to navigate, at least as far as physics allows them to. Obviously things like the magnetic pathfinding of birds would be useless in space.

Comment Re:Dear USA (Score 5, Insightful) 242

New Zealand is responsible for what they do in their own backyard with their own police forces. If they want to surrender their sovereignty to a bunch of RIAA/MPAA hacks who have paid off the right people, that's their prerogative. It's obvious that they've realized the mistake and are trying to make things right, but in the end it's NZ that screwed up here.

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