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Comment Re:Better experience (Score 1, Interesting) 221

I get McD's maybe once a year. I absolutely loath cheese on a burger. I will make it very clear to the counter person I don't want cheese. I check the receipt to make sure that they didn't punch in a cheeseburger.

About 30% of the time it comes with cheese. Sometimes even the second attempt comes with cheese. Perhaps with people out of the loop I'll actually get what I ordered the first time and not have to waste 15 minutes trying to get a basic order right.

One McD's I went to had a kiosk to place the order. There was no non-cheeseburger on it I could find. I had to go to the counter to order it, but at least they got it right on the first attempt. When the kiosks don't have a usable interface to find something on the menu you know there's still a long way to go.

Comment Re:Seems like.... (Score 1) 59

This seems very close to "Work for Hire" with the AI doing the work.

I worked in the entertainment business for well over 20 years and many "creative director" types couldn't pull off typing in the prompt to get the AI to generate what they're looking for. I think the copyright office erred on this one.

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