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Comment Re:Wonderful, but... (Score 1) 289

...who really wanted to see Titanic in 3D?

Exactly. I mean... what's the point? What in the world would converting this movie to 3D do for it? It wasn't specifically shot for 3D, which we all know usually makes it a bland experience.

So other than being able to charge more money on top of the ridiculously high ticket prices we already have, what is the real benefit?

Comment Re:No need. (Score 0) 1069

have nothing against gays, lesbians and transgender people...

Yes, you do see:

but this constant need to advertise their sexuality

There wouldn't have been a peep out of you it was a hetrosexual realtionship, which is just as much "advertising sexuality" as a gay one. Basically, you have double standards and you're biased against gay people.

Yes, there WOULD have been a peep out of me if the "straight community" said "we need to openly advertise that we like pussy" in a freaking video game, which children play (like it or not). No one needs to constantly be inundated with sexual preferences. We know you're gay. Some of us accept that without issue, unless you feel the need to constantly push it out there for all to see. Why wear your sexual orientation on your sleeve?

I have two gay uncles who think the same as I. They are proud to be gay, happy with their lives, and, yet, feel no need to constantly barrage people with those facts.

Again, I'd do and say the very same things if they were pushing to have the straight sexual preferences emblazoned across everything you see. Keep your sex in your bedroom (or back seat of your car, for all I care). No one needs to know it, gay or straight.

In closing, your assumptions only made you look like an ass. Just saying.

Comment Re:No need. (Score 0) 1069

There is no need to play a game if you don't want. Part of this game is about a choice of relationships. The proportion some might say is realistic. They are not that overtly sexual, if you actually took the time to look rather than judge. Neither is anyone forcing you to play it.

Saying effectively "go away and shut up about it" does sound homophobic to me. If you aren't interested, do what you do for other such things (e.g. a sport you don't like) just walk away. I certainly don't enter debates on football - I have little experience to share.

You don't need to shove sexuality in people's faces to make those choices. Just as pointed out, play the game as you wish and be who you are... but there is zero need to actually force the knowledge of your sex life on others.

There is no need to advertise. Just keep your relationship habits, choices and preferences to yourself. Why does it NEED to be made so public?

And the same goes for YOUR argument - if you don't like it, no one is forcing you to play.

Comment No need. (Score 1) 1069

There is no need to make it blatantly public and apparent what someone's sexual orientation is in a video game. Real world issues like this should be left blank and if the game's community members feel they need to have it known they are homosexual, heterosexual or even trysexual, then they can just act that out on their own. There is absolutely no need to make it visible to everyone, especially for a small minority of the population.

I have nothing against gays, lesbians and transgender people... but this constant need to advertise their sexuality is wearing thin with me and even my gay friends and family members.

Just live your life. There is no need to constantly keep it out in the open this way.

Comment Re:How can we possibly disagree (Score 0) 237

How can we possibly disagree with your statement "I an really enjoying the beta"??? If you were to say "YOU will really enjoy the Beta", there'd be some wiggle room for the possibility for someone to disagree. But unless we can read your mind and see that you're telling porkies, how on EARTH can anyone disagree with your statement about YOUR enjoyment?

I said a bit more than that. Also, I said "I am " really enjoying it, not "I an ." I said things like "gameplay feels smooth" and "updated graphics" are a nice touch. Things with which people CAN disagree with.

Arguing ridiculous bullshit like you are trying to is not your strong suit. Come back later when you are able to close your man-pleaser and type out a full sentence without sounding like a total idiot.

Now float away, little troll. Float away, back under your bridge, where you can give hobos blowjobs just so you can get drunk off of the alcohol content of their semen.

Comment Everyone may disagree, but... (Score 0) 237

...I am really enjoying the beta.

The gameplay feels smooth and polished, the updated graphics are a nice touch and not very over the top. The story is a little dull compared to even the original release of the game, but it's not hard to follow and does not overly bore me. The witch doctor class is all kinds of fun and the random comments made by the characters are sometimes witty and soft chuckle worthy.

As much as I hate Blizzard, I may just end up buying this game anyway.

Comment Slashdot (Score 0, Insightful) 171

Has become a haven for cowards who think that "I disagree" and "troll" are the same thing.

This site has gone so far down hill that it's now underground and slowly suffocating to death.

Let it die off already... especially if this is how it is allowed to run.

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