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Comment DOWN-loading? (Score 1) 442

Probably just for uploading.

If this is really for downloading it's sorta scary as it bypasses the legal system for default guilty with your ISP. If enough people go to smaller ISPs after being gigged for listening to a song on youtube the big ISPs may learn to stop treating their customers with contempt though.

If it's illegal to DOWN-load copyright material without permission...well, in that case things are pretty messe.....err... Ahem, In that case I'd like to inform YOU that by viewing this message you've clearly illegally downloaded this message without my permission and you owe me 150000 usd (150000 per time you've hit the refresh button).

Comment 3d printed cars haven't happened yet??? (Score 1) 315

3d printed cars haven't happened yet???
If you then add home CNC laser cutters and you have a pretty interesting, and much less expensive fabrication industry showing up.

But one example, that i can give you right now, with today's home technology is:
Automotive Replacement Parts.
the little door under my stereo has broken: do i pay 35 bucks for another from a toyota parts department? Or do i model it in blender, convert to STL, and print one out for 2 bucks in materials.

If i have a bigger printer i can print corvette body panels for perhaps 20-50 in materials, sell them with a 200 dollar markup. Still probably cost less than half of what gm would charge.

Comment a target that will be easy to hit (Score 2) 717

a few months ago on jay lenos garage they showed these things:

serial hybrids that get an epa rating of 100mpg, for huge suvs. but if you can charge them at your home outlets the number quickly becomes meaningless.

still to be overcome:
* gotta figure out a way to tax electrics fairly for the road wear that is normally covered by gas tax.
* used market will need expensive fresh batteries.

Comment Re:Somewhat fair (Score 5, Interesting) 286

I used to be strictly anti-copyright-infringement, but when I learned how these **AAs buy laws from my politicians. And then look at my relatively small disposable income (not nearly enough to buy politicians), well, that's when I started to feel maybe it's time for some civil disobedience. It's at least time to not give the **AAs any more money.

Free Culture

Comment I got my mom to use linux, and she's a Grandma. (Score 3, Interesting) 195

I got my mom to use linux, and she's a Grandma. I got sick of having to re-install windows so I left for linux*, then told her that I wasn't really doing windows anymore because I no longer learned anything when i fixed problems on it. So she switched, loves it, when it has least I learn something.

*not having internet explorer is a feature!

Comment The interface is not the OS (Score 5, Insightful) 540

I think that the idea of an OS being able to be "beautiful" is sort or wonky. There is no reason such an interface couldn't run on winXP, win2k, or even somewhat in NT4, all you really need is the opengl support in the OS & drivers and you can do nifty things with alpha channel.

I'm also not convinced apple hardware is actually high quality, it's just that their os will only install on their hardware. apple is basically like a crossbreed between dell & microsoft, and this lets them charge premium prices on their run-of-the-mill hardware because their os won't install on other (less expensive, perhaps higher quality) intel hardware.

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