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Comment Re:As a professional, I would say... (Score 1) 183

You know how much goes into thinking up mathematical strategies for structuring those things, I wouldn't say it doesn't help at all.. :)

Also dead right, this will have you touch typing and reading so fast. IRC/MUD is how I learned to touch type, and I hit 140wpm if I know what I want to say.

Comment Re:As a professional, I would say... (Score 1) 183

Decent.. ugh, just to learn some coding all you need is a 486 with vi or emacs, immediately at his fingertips without delay will then be Lisp, Python, Perl, Ruby, Tcl, C/C++, Java, Haskell.. I'm not suggesting anyone dig up a 486, but the point stands, hell get the kid an rPi... don't tell this guy to trouble over whether or not to spend money and how much when he just needs to spend pocket change if he wants his kid to be able to code.

Comment Re:One More Tool to Fight the Rise in Workers' Pay (Score 1) 472

I've flatly said on many occasions to this question "Don't worry about it, X is what I'm looking for." the few who didn't get the hint and pressed were told their offer was suddenly irrelevant and I hung up on them. I plan to get paid for my skills by looking at the market and coming up with what I believe to be reasonable and then demanding that of businesses. Yes I have been flatly denied by businesses, but those places are jerkbags anyway and would be miserable to work for.

Comment Re:Inaccuracy is a big problem (Score 1) 472

The biggest problem with the legal system is availability; It takes significant amount of time to utilize our legal system and the majority of working folks have no capability to get enough time away from work to accomplish this. This is possibly the largest reason the rich have such legal powers that they do, simply because they are capable of financing their own time and therefore able to use their time towards whichever endeavors they need to for completion of personal responsibility. It is each persons personal responsibility to take fraudulent actors trying to take advantage of them to the courts, but when one will lose their livelihood for the few days a month for a few months it takes to accomplish such, there's simply no choice but to be taken advantage of.

Comment Re:I have a better idea... (Score 1) 649

No I start off with "let's protected citizens from corporations". When those corporations fail, the ultra rich running them are guess what? Still filthy rich, only the honest working people who relied on that corporation are harmed. How about we stop letting these corporations get so large that they can harm enormous amounts of the economy, aka normal citizens. Rich people weather this stuff like nothing, it's everybody else who get's totally screwed. You think the corporations will ever stop getting that big on purpose? Good luck. You think fear of failure will stop them? HAH fear of failure is what makes them get so big! Less chance of failing when you're so huge, but huge damage to working man if you do. Or you can just keep thinking "corporations will just figure it out and stop doing these things" good luck, so long as those things you think are so risky are actually ENORMOUSLY PROFITABLE, they will do them. Period. No two ways about it, they're like a monkey touching a lever that gives them crack, they'll push the lever until it kills them, every single time.

Comment Re:I have a better idea... (Score 1) 649

Humbug, many people have many times plausibly and truthfully denied knowledge of laws they broke, make it illegal to do what these asshats are doing and it won't matter whether they knew they were breaking the law of not, just throw them in jail. I suggest this in fact be the final destination for all MBA's, they hand them a degree and put them directly in jail for spending 6 years trying to become a professional arsehole.

Comment Re:I have a better idea... (Score 1) 649

Maybe investments to hold real risks *unless* they grow so large so fast, ever think about that? Companies strengthen their positions through market controlling investments such as the poster is talking about, and purposefully position themselves to *be* the market, knowing this is the most stable position for them. This is however the *least* stable position for everyone around them, but that's not their problem now is it?

Imagine if a bank saw a technique with which through hell and high water it could become the single bank owning every single penny anyone anywhere depositted? Would they be like "oh boy, we'd get too big, so risky!" hell no, they'd say SWEET WE WILL HAVE IT ALL! and trudge forth to doing it, the result being? If they happen to fail after that, well there goes *everyone's* money.

Companies become to big to fail on purpose because it's a bloody profitable affair, and they're not going to stop until we put laws on corporate sizes (and give money and AUTHORITY to regulators to freeging enforce those laws so we don't just have enforcers standing around pointing saying "Look! Look! The shit's about to hit! Look everybody! Here it goes! Now! *bam* Told you so! Wait what? You're firing me for not doing my job??" regulators getting canned for not enforcing laws the congress refused to give them power to enforce is the ultimate example of political grand standing wasting american tax dollars, give them the bloody authority!)

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