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Comment Re:Keyframes (Score 1) 426

False. With RTMP you can only seek to key frames. If you seek to a timestamp that doesn't correspond to a keyframe, the server will pick the nearest keyframe using some undisclosed algorithm. (I.e., it is not specified anywhere whether it will pick the closest keyframe *before* or *after* the designated seek timestamp.)

Obviously you can't start playback from a non-keyframe, there isn't enough video data to construct a full frame.

Comment Re:HTML5 v. Flash security (Score 1) 216

I dunno, preserving your company's reputation and credibility ought to be big enough motivators already. The fact that Adobe code quality is still so shoddy indicates that regardless of motivation, they lack the *ability* to improve things.

Btw, for video streaming, you can just use things like get-flash-videos and rtmpdump, and never be exposed to any of that crappy Adobe code. Whether or not the base technology has any intrinsic merit, it's obvious that even today, before HTML5 is widely deployed, it's possible to implement this stuff without any of Adobe's implementation flaws.

Comment Re:HERVs are ancestral (Score 1) 478

So what no one seems to have asked yet - when is someone going to take a fertilized human egg, and remove these viral sequences from the nucleus, and see how the embryo is affected?

Take the embryo after the first division, so you can have an identical twin as a control for the experiment...

Comment Re:Hmm... (Score 1) 839

Aside from the other stupidity already being commented on, this is purely a case of bad design in the LED traffic signals. LEDs are ~4x more efficient than incandescents, but they're still far from perfect, and they still give off a *lot* of heat.

I've designed and built many lamps using high power/high brightness LEDs. Any time you design a high power LED lamp you have to heat-sink every single LED otherwise it will burn out. The obvious solution here is to run heatpipes from the sinks at the back of the LEDs to the lamp housing and/or front lens. There's no need to add a separate heater, every electronic device *is* a heater.

Comment And in other news, (Score 2, Funny) 235

this weekend large portions of Spain suffered extended blackouts as a number of the electric company's network routers were overwhelmed by an unexpected surge of traffic. This was apparently the result of an article about Spain's wind-based electrical program being published on, and the ensuing traffic overload from attempts to access the power generation graphs on the public site...

Comment Re:WinCE when you say that (Score 1) 229

Agreed. This was from last December in Kazakhstan, by the way:

About the same time frame as those researchers and their discovery. Seems to me that this type of hacking has been going on all over, for a long time already.

And yes, I'd say it's criminally negligent to use any Windows OS on ATMs or anything else where security matters...

Comment Re:don't tread on an ant ... (Score 4, Interesting) 359

It's not so surprising though - it just means that the ants have been able to spread faster than their rate of evolution/mutation. Otherwise, they would have differentiated/speciated first. But because it's so easy for them to hitch rides on passing people, cars, boats, and airplanes, they've spread a lot faster than they would naturally have been able to.

The more interesting thing will be to observe over time and see how long it takes before their super-colony collapses or is torn apart by civil war. Of course that's not likely to occur until their paths of transport and communication are disrupted. If we don't destroy ourselves first, thus giving them a long time to continue to evolve in total connectedness, I guess things will get interesting for them down the road...

The other interesting point this raises is about language and communication in general - biologists frequently talk about animals communicating with each other via whatever their particular mechanisms may be, but they seem to assume that all the members of a species are homogeneous in their communication methods. That's a pretty naive assumption, given all the different vocal and non-vocal mechanisms various human tribes use to communicate. The interesting question here will be whether this super-colony is an example of genocide (the total annihilation of different/competing ant species) or assimilation...

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