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Comment Re:As a Conservative (Score 0) 223

The stock market put the CAPITAL in CAPITALism or so I always thought. Its why the markets were able to expand in the first place when the dutch started created the first kind of markets in the 1400s in Europe. I may be wrong, but thats what I thought I learned from classes in college a very long time ago. In fact the stock market is like an offshoot of the idea of banking and currency creation from even further back in history. The idea was, if I remember correctly, that that not everybody was using their money at the same time so why not put that money together and do something with it that was bigger than any one investor could do. Then when someone needed their money as long as not everyone came at once the money they put away could be given to the person who was withdrawing. I could be wrong here.

Comment Re:You guys are easily depressed. (Score 0) 1365

I think the poster was saying that they were seeing the death of privacy from both giving it away to Facebook and from Government encroaching with wire taps. In 1984 nothing is private. A quote from the book says "Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimetres inside your skull." Those are my examples of the general idea I got from the poster.

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