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Comment Re:Wrong priority! (Score 1) 503

Well, that's the only thing that he thinks he can do these days. Illegally I might add. Killing US Citizens abroad without due process seems to be his only jump-to-conclusion square.

What he should worry about is how does something like this happen a day after he expanded economic sanctions. Some awful oligarch who doesn't feel he stole everything he could have from the Ukrainians is retaliating over it.

Comment Re:50 GB?? (Score 1) 167

Battlefield 4 is 35 GB, and it was nice but the previews of Wolfenstein look a lot better.
Still, the PS4 has about 400 GB available for game data, so it's not too much of a problem like it would have been on the PS3

I wonder about the quality of the game on xbox one with its memory/bus bottlenecks.

Comment Re:Would they just put up with it for a key hire? (Score 1) 319

If you get recruited to Google because you're something special

From what I understand, any corporation with government contracts is required to do employment piss tests.
Totally intrusive and probably unconstitutional but the people who own this country piss on the constitution, whatever their piss contains, because no one tests them.

Comment Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming (Score 1) 138

This book is one of my favorites. Stephen LaBerge teaches techniques that work very well for me to become aware of dreaming.

He also teaches how to use the skill for problem solving and creativity.

One of the techniques for becoming aware is to ask yourself during the day if you are dreaming and look for dream signs, which makes you ask yourself that same question while dreaming and helps realize that you are dreaming, at which point you can do anything. I guess that is where the electric current comes in handy because you are not used to it during your waking hours so when you experience it, it makes you realize you must be asleep, which means you can be or do anything you could ever want.

One of the coolest things for me is to fly to new strange cities.

Comment Re:if you want your day in court (Score 2) 215

Except, this is not about the money as much as about exposing the filthy disgusting shit these people do to keep people from earning what they are worth.

And we should all wonder how that looks on the global scale. If they get away with this type of stuff in the US, image what they get away with in countries with extremely corrupt governments.

Comment Yet again a convenience ruling (Score 1) 461

This is another ruling that is based on finding something that they think would give the victim (defendant) too much power, allowing him to skirt the law, and not based on true legality.

It re-confirms that the justices are nothing more than senile elderly people who work with and for the enforcement industry and don't really care about upholding the constitution.

Comment If you have to ask ... (Score 2) 272

It means you don't have any big data requirements so you're better off sticking with MySQL or something easier to manage at a small scale.
If growth is high or you have a lot of data to analyze, you can look into importing data into Hadoop using sqoop and query it with Hive and HBase. But you most likely won't need that for at least a couple of years.

Comment Fox already gives it to them (Score 1) 667

Creationism believers already get plenty of time on Fox. Unfortunately it's always the same audience that pays any attention to it.

belief = gullible stupidity
thinking = analytic intelligence

I happen to find thought provoking shows a lot more interesting than any preaching, which I just either very funny or rage provoking.

Comment Re:Estate Taxes (Score 1) 300

So it's "protection" money?

Seems to me like extortion by government and uncivilized people more than tax.

Now if you said that the government has a right to the tax because the heirs earn it for practically not doing anything, then I would be on board with you.

We definitely don't want to be in a feudal state.

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