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Comment Re:trump never said that (Score 3, Interesting) 600

Preface: I voted against Trump.

In the first clip I'm noticing that Trump refers to borders and walls suggesting his mind is in the context of immigration from the south. That would mean his comments about databases refer to immigration in general. Islam isn't referenced until late in the clip, and then by the interviewer rather than Trump. My conclusion: Trump and the interviewer are talking about two different things. It's unclear if the interviewer intended for that to happen. It's also unclear whether some of the interview from before the clip we see would've established a Muslim context to what we see.

In the second clip Trump seems to try to avoid the question. I can interpret that as him being evasive or as him being annoyed at the question. Being annoyed would be understandable if Trump has not proposed a Muslim database. I haven't seen evidence he has. A smarter politician would've taken the opportunity to say "Muslim database? That's horrible idea and I'm against it! Now an immigration database would be handy to have in the unlikely event Canada invades..." if he has not proposed a Muslim database, but I don't think Trump is very smart (see my preface).

Comment Re:Electoral college does reflect the popular vote (Score 1) 1430

I don't think you've considered all the weaknesses of the system you're suggesting...

Hillary Clinton won 300 counties while Trump won 5000.

Suppose right before the election Dr. Evil gerrymandered the whole country so there are only 3 counties - two in his house, and one for everyone else. Based on your reckoning he is the rightful president because he won the two counties in his house.

If you think that the election of a nation should be swayed by a handful of cities

I would argue the election would be swayed by vast numbers of individual voters whose votes are weighted equally regardless of race, religion, gender, (etc...), and where they live.

The weighting based on where you live can easily be leveraged into weighting based on income level, race, or religion. For example suppose we don't like the Mormons - well if you're from Utah your vote now counts 1/10 as much as everyone else's. This negatively influences of perceived fairness of the government which is directly related to its perceived legitimacy. A government perceived as illegitimate will be eventually be forced to govern by violence, which is in no one's best interest.

You seem to be OK with weighting different peoples votes differently. I'd be interested to hear at what point you consider the weights to be too extreme? My understanding is the current system results in maximum of about a 1:4 disparity between Californians versus Wyomingites (Wyomines?) ( 1/10? 1/100?

How do you justify the particular weighting you've selected as optimal as oppose to any other?

Comment Re:All About the H-1B (Score 1) 360

Where's that speech Hillary gave to Goldman Sachs? Maybe she's contradicted herself for the millionth time yet again?

Look through all the posts in this discussion and I think you will find that no one is arguing that Hillary would make a good president. What I think you will find is lot of people arguing that Trump would make a dangerous one.

Comment Re:paying dividends is dumb (Score 1) 103

No, it assumes that the growth related to not paying the dividend is, on average, equal to the dividend, which it is.

[Citation needed]

there are a lot of irrational investors, and you are evidently one of them.

See also: ad hominem.

This is the book I base my strategy on. Its author is Benjamin Graham, the mentor of the better known Warren Buffett. If you think my implementation is wrong I'm interested in what you have to say (with references to the points made this or some other authoritative source, of course). At the moment from you have offered nothing to back up your claims and have no more credibility than any other random person on the internet. Claiming the strategy is irrational is simply silly given that I can look up the results of Graham's various direct proteges.

Comment Re:paying dividends is dumb (Score 1) 103

you can simply take the money out of that stock and diversify by selling shares

This strategy relies on the stock price constantly growing and assumes that the growth is dependent on the profits being kept, and that the growth can be maintained, and that the growth is by a greater dollar amount than the dividend otherwise would be. These are assumptions I am not willing to make and if any of them is false I'm better off receiving the dividend.

Comment No chance (Score 1, Insightful) 412

I have said it before and I'll say it again - In the US you don't have the luxury of voting for the person you want to be president, you have to vote against the person you don't want to be president. That leaves no room for third parties.

The fact that two outsiders made such big inroads on both sides of the aisle gives me hope that after Clinton wins this election that there will be enough popular support for replacing the voting system with something like run-off voting. Especially if Trump and Sanders would use their substantial platforms to start the conversation.

Comment Re:paying dividends is dumb (Score 1) 103

the capital gains from reinvestment only are taxed when the shares are sold.

Not paying dividends does not guarantee rational reinvestment much less subsequent growth:

"... by late 2001, Oracle Corp. had piled up $5 billion in cash. Cisco Systems had hoarded at least $7.5 billion. Microsoft had amassed a mountain of cash $38.2 billion high - and rising by an average of $2 million per hour. Just how rainy a day was Bill Gates expecting, anyway? ... In short, most managers are wrong when they say that they can put your cash to better use than you can. Paying out a dividend does not guarantee great results, but it does improve the return of the typical stock by yanking at least some cash out the managers hands before they can squander it or squirrel it away."

- Jason Zweig "The Intelligent Investor, Revised Edition"

I only invest in shares that pay dividends. My strategy is to use my dividends to buy new shares in other companies. This increases my diversification, and since those companies pay dividends too, results in exponential, albeit slow, growth. I view tax as the price of this defensive posture, just like I view more transaction fees as the price of diversification.

Comment Re:Land of the fee (Score 1) 621

It's even deeper than that.

The excuse for given for this is to guard against identity theft. Crooks stealing identities will max out their stolen credit cards by buying gift cards and then spending those as cash. The individual who owns the card calls the company, tells them of the fraud, and they remove it from the card, send out a new one, etc. But since the switch to the chip based cards, it is my understanding that the business selling the card is liable in the event of fraud.

So the people getting screwed are individuals carrying prepaid cards. The benefactors are businesses. Funny how often it's been working out that way recently, eh?

Comment Re:It's not safe... (Score 1) 271

Combine that with traffic that isn't going to worry about you and it can be quite scary riding a bicycle.

Actual conversation between my wife and I one night:

Her: "Geeze! Did you pass that bicycle close enough?"
Me: "What bicycle???"

At least there's no excuse for these electric varieties to not have lights.

Making it electrical won't change things on a practical level in the least. Americans love their gas guzzlers

Americans don't give a crap about gas but we loathe wasting time and money. Make a cheap electric vehicle that can reach the speed limit in short order and Americans will jump on board. Tesla has roughly right idea, if they could just get the price of the vehicle lower than the price of a cheap ICE ($17,000) + its entire lifetime of gasoline cost ($3 gal * 125,000 miles / 25 mpg = $15,000). They're on the right track with the Model X. Given the pollution aspect government subsidies could be extremely helpful here, but politically that'll only happen when ...
1. Detroit starts pushing for it and
2. conservative politicians stop "being skeptical" that pollution is even a thing and that the free market is sacred, never to be touched by unclean government hands.

Comment The experience of a movie threater? (Score 1) 160

[Netflix can't replace] the experience of the movie theater.

Oh yes, so many things I will miss about movie theaters...
- Outrageous prices of concessions and tickets.
- Going to the movie rather than it coming to me.
- Inability to pause.
- Scheduling parts of my day around when the movie I want to see is on.
- Other people that never improve, and often detract from, the movie experience.

Mark my words: Movie theaters are the next lunch Netflix will eat after cable TV stations and providers.

Comment Re:Antitrust violation? (Score 5, Insightful) 361

Nothing is preventing you from using any browser and search engine you want. Typing something into Cortana doesn't get you anything you can't get by typing the same thing into any search engine.

Bundling Internet Explorer with Windows is what got them into trouble in 2001. Nothing stopped users from downloading some other browser but that argument didn't prevent Microsoft being found in violation of antitrust law.

I'm amazed at how blatantly they're ignoring history.

Comment Re:Internet != internet (Score 2) 218

I don't disagree that what you say is what the rule currently is but taking a step back for a moment, language can be expressed in two forms: written and spoken. When speaking, there is no difference an upper and lower case letter. It's rare to hear anyone complain that the spoken form of some sentence is more ambiguous or otherwise problematic than the written equivalent. In this particular case, you'd say "the internet" or "an internet" to distinguish the two meanings. The letter case is unnecessary. This leads me to a question for any linguists out there:

Why we still use capital letters?

They seem like an unnecessary relic (another example: the difference between ',' and ';') that we should be working to simplify out of the written form of our language. The linguistic equivalent of (x + 0) or (x * 1).

In the past when I have posed this question people have replied with lists of rules surrounding the circumstances when they are applied. To head those people off - such a list is not a relevant answer, read the question again.

Comment Re:I recently used hashing to track down bad hardw (Score 1) 152

To fill in some more background I had already run the Windows memory tester for several hours (over night, in fact) and gotten a false negative result. That gave me false confidence in my RAM so I was actually looking for hard disk problems when I started testing with MD5. I got the idea because Steam seemed to constantly detect that my games had corrupt files and redownload them, even after it had just finished redownloading. After being able to reliably reproduce the bad MD5 result I did some Prime95 tests because I felt I hadn't really eliminated the CPU as a potential cause. One of those detected errors without touching disk and killing my leading theory, and another suggested the CPU was OK. I had previously swapped in a different power supply so I already knew that wasn't the issue. That lead me to take a second look at the RAM, I (randomly) pulled the bad module out first and my MD5s became consistent. I swapped it in in place of the good one and the system would no longer POST. Checkmate.

I also have to give Fedex props - My RAM was under lifetime warranty and the replacement shipped from Taiwan. It traveled nearly 8000 miles in 36 hours to my door.

Comment I recently used hashing to track down bad hardware (Score 1) 152

Recently my primary home computer had been having maddening, completely unpredictable stability problems. I could swap out parts, but I was lacking a way to verify that the problem went away with the swapped part. Sometimes the system would go for days without crashing, sometimes it was every 5 minutes. Sometimes it was during gaming, sometimes web browsing.

I was finally able to get a lock on the problem by generating a 100 GB file and repeatedly running md5 on it. With the bad part (RAM) I was getting around 5 different results for every 6 runs. MD5 allowed me to finally verify that I had swapped out the right part.

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