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Comment Re:Next please! (Score -1, Troll) 446

It's because they *did* reinvent the smartphone industry. When before the iPhone were large, mobile touchscreens in vogue? Which phone before the iPhone had as much social cache? (Maybe the RAZR) Who before the iPhone had an ecosystem as vibrant as the current App Store?

No phone/mobile computing device before the iPhone had "tricorder-like" qualities.

Comment Re:It's also worth mentioning... (Score 1) 203

I would hardly call Chrome immature. It has had since its inception features that other browsers are just dying to imitate now. Per process tabs, plug-in sandboxing, site specific browsing, silent updates... And it came out of left field! It's a fast browser popular among the technically literate. And it has its own marketing campaign.

Not immature.

Comment Re:Crushing poverty is one hell of a motivator (Score 2, Interesting) 534

Totally. I asked my dad, what is it that motivates his fellow ethnic friends to be millionaires and he said, they know what the old country is like and they are never, ever going back.*

* In terms of lifestyle. I've heard of lots of ethnic families who make it big in America and retire back home where they can live like kings. Point is, they aren't at the same quality of life when they were younger.

Comment Re:yay? (Score 1) 347

It auto updates silently. You don't "need" to update unless you know a new version is out and you don't have it. You'll get it, eventually and seamlessly.

DYK Google Chrome has the highest adoption rate of latest versions than any other browser? Their ninja update model is so successful even the Mozilla team is considering changing their updates to be just as unobtrusive.

Comment Re:Amazing how bad PR always helps Apple get it ri (Score 1) 377

But it's genius marketing. Look how much time we're all spending talking about Apple and the iPad. Plus, the whole history doesn't matter. Only what people remember matters, top of the stack so to speak. "Now we can buy unlimited iPads! We're so fortunate!" Look how they turned a negative into a positive. Like it's not so much the absolute value of the marketing that matters as it is the delta or positive slope.

It's just like that Chris Rock joke. "I take of my kids." That's what you're supposed to be doing, you idiot!

Comment Re:How about being yourself? (Score 2, Insightful) 842

This can't work for everyone. Some developers are horrible, horrible people. Take a stereotypical nerd for example. Poor hygiene, poor social skills, completely out of touch with reality.

If this describes you, consider not being yourself. Although typically people that are described like this probably aren't self-aware of such things.

Comment Play their game, not yours (Score 3, Insightful) 842

A lot of nerds value things like talent, transparency, and being tacit when there are no errors. And also are averse to things like small talk, self-promotion, and various shades of lying. These are all great qualities. But they are only valuable to nerds.

If you really want to get in good with someone, and you'll have to, since a work environment is a multi-faceted beast, you'll need to play their game. Am I saying you need to sacrifice the values that make you who you are? Absolutely not. Will you require some tweaking? Probably.

For instance, small talk. If you don't ping people every so often, even if you don't need them for anything work related, you will lose out on social capital. It's good to keep everyone in your sphere, so to speak, so that it's easier to ask them for things as you need. Having a purely work-related relationship with someone is so dry and inorganic. I'm not saying you have to be BFFs. But you can cultivate a personable in-work casual relationship with someone to smooth out those moments that you need them.

I'm sure a lot of other comments in this thread will elaborate on the things I've mentioned. In general, it's about working on your soft skills. To put it in RPG terms, you are an INT hero who graduated from the top of their class. You know all the spells. But guess what, this is a STR and AGI challenge and you need to work on your charisma to rope in some help. No one is taking your INT skills away from you. But you'll have to work extra hard on navigating this new game called office politics that nerds typically aren't used to, exposed to, or want in their lives.

Good luck and tread cautiously!

Comment Re:Closed systems are monopolistic. (Score 1) 850

Wrong in one sense. But also lucrative, easy to use, great for business, and free publicity. Really hard to juggle this whole "wrong" thing with so many pluses on the other side of the equation. It isn't black and white. There are many forces at play and right now playing this No-Flash hand has lots of benefits.

Comment Re:Confusion Over Source of Ire (Score 1, Insightful) 850

The outcry is not that Apple is revoking a right but simply that they are deliberately crippling a product.

How are they crippling the product? People seem to have this assumption that open is better. I say no. It's just like a gated community. There's a barrier of entry higher than zero. It's to keep the riff raff out.

Oh man, Apple must be doing so badly. Check out the wild, wild success of all those open devices. Get real. Openness is not the end all be all of these types of devices. Is openness important? Sure, to some people. But it's probably not THAT important to the many other people that are willing to spend money.

Why don't YOU prove that the lack of openness correlates to the lack of quality, since that's what you and many other people seem to be implying.

Comment Re:Apple slows down innovation on all fronts (Score 1) 497

Slowing down the web? Are you serious? The iPhone got us out of that WAP garbage and now people know what real mobile browsing is. And, HTML5 video is on the way. Native playback with native acceleration and native controls!

I don't know what fantasy land you live in where you don't consider any of this progress.

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