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Comment Re:99.999% (Score 1) 245

I have a couple of solutions that might work for your legacy sites that tell you that firefox doesn't work, or other browsers don't work. First off, change your User Agent string to one that matches a version of Internet Explorer. You can find a fairly comprehensive list of User Agent strings at this website. A second option is to install VirtualBox on your main workstation and install XP inside a VM. This is a better idea than having a dedicated XP install on bare metal because you can repurpose the old machine or get rid of it completely, and once the XP instance is setup the way that you want it, you can take a snapshot of it to restore to after each use. That way you never have to worry if it gets infected after visiting some site or other. You just revert to the clean snapshot and move on.

Because vbox and other FOSS virtualization software are so mature now, there is really no reason to keep dedicated boxes for legacy crap anymore.

Comment Re:The TSA needs to be stopped (Score 3, Interesting) 427

Sorry, but which restricted town are you speaking of in that region? Sosnovy Bor? Kronshtadt? There weren't constant checks in those places. Of course if you looked out of place, you would be checked, but it wasn't like the place was in lock-down 24 hours a day. Even now, Sosnovy Bor is closed, but I have never been checked, not even once while visiting people there.

Comment Re:And what are you supposed to remotely?? (Score 1) 1134

Another race would be you have changed ISPs, and you have to change the IP addresses in Microsoft's DNS manager for hundreds of domains and subdomains. I on the other hand use BIND on FreeBSD and with a well crafted one liner with sed and awk I am now on my way to the bar across the street while you're still pointing, clicking, typing, pointing, clicking, typing.

Comment Re:Lets Stick to Software Patents (Score 3, Informative) 126

The idea that software patents should not exist is based on the idea that all software is simply sets of algorithms. Therefore all software can be boiled down to mathematics: algorithms and formulas. According to commonly held ideas about patent law: "You cannot patent a formula."

Sorry, I posted this a sec ago as AC by accident.

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