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Comment Re:It makes me long for Firefly (Score 0) 242

Expanse is overrated as well. Yes, it's harder SF, but ultimately it's a boring and forgettable show. The characters were flat, the story was plodding and never really went anywhere interesting. It had potential but never pushed for anything inspiring.

Firefly is an infinitely better show

Comment Re: No. (Score 1) 185

Anything that can be skimmed, stolen, lost, damaged, etc. doesn't work. My wife's piercings are ones she doesn't take out. She's still managed to lose at least 4 in the past 10 years that I know of.

An implant would work in theory, until it's skimmed - then what? Surgery to remove it and implant a new one? If it can be rewritten through the skin, what stops it from being hacked?

Then there's the fact that electronics degrade. No matter what medium, they'll wear out eventually. What happens if a person can't transfer their key due to money constraints? What happens when it's transferred without their knowledge? It's fraught with problems that may not seem likely generally, but when magnified to the scope of billions, it becomes a recurring problem.

Comment No. (Score 1) 185

Biometrics? No. Can't be changed

Voice prints? No. Can't be easily changed

FIDO2 security keys? Incompatible with ADHD and easily stolen/left behind - but it shifts responsibility away from Microsoft and they can blame the person... the end result is the same though

Passphrases... sure that works

Comment Re:Why are they surprised? (Score 1) 120

I'm comparing them because take away the cyberpunk theme and they're relatively similar games that would have similar development requirements. Cyberpunk is arguably more ambitious and more complex. Are they competing in terms of sales? No not really. They're competing in terms of gameplay/target audience. GTA V set the standards that Cyberpunk is being judged by ( literally).

CDPR should have known at the outset that they could not create a more ambitious game with half the workforce and in relatively less time.

I'm not sure where you're getting your 2016 date from, it's wildly erroneous. CDPR's 2012 conference was the first announcement where they hinted at it and that it had been being worked on "for a couple years".

CDPR had REDenging, Rockstar had RAGE... but Rockstar also had everything they built for previous GTA games. While a lot doesn't transfer, a lot of code can or at least be tweaked rather than starting from scratch. All of this points to CDPR knowing the game needed at least another year of development time, probably more.

Comment Re:Why are they surprised? (Score 2) 120

They're also competing against GTA V. That's a large task in itself but they weren't putting the resources in. GTA V had an existing code/texture base to draw from, a team of 1,000 over 5 years of pre-launch development. Cyberpunk had just 500 and no pre-existing code base. At minimum it needed another year of development and that catches it up to just 2013 not the following 7 years of patches GTA V has had.

They should have been running with a team 3 times the size to get this out in a reasonable time frame or reduced the scope significantly.

Comment Re:waaah waaah (Score 3, Insightful) 269

Does he want shiny eye candy?

This is exactly what he wants. Every time "designers" get involved making it "attractive" in the name of "user experience" is when the product itself goes to shit. They don't understand that the engineers are very smart fucking people who understand the multitude of usecases these products have to serve and they focus on efficient utility first.

Every product I know that's gone for design over utility has flopped. Firefox being the prime example - Firefox 4 was the beginning of the end because it put designers priorities ahead of users.

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