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Comment Re:How will they know / Scare tactics (Score 1) 312

As long as the pirated games/homebrew duplicate a legit software products identification info I dont think they will be able to tell the difference. I would guess their first attempt would be to update the PS3 firmware to record KEY/TITLE information and verify that with an authentication server when you log into PSN. If there is a KEY/TITLE mismatch then they can safely assume it is "unauthorized" software.

Comment Redirect? (Score 4, Insightful) 296

So what is the point of redirecting to that fear mongering image? Is it to educate people who happen to not know that child pornography is bad? This blunder wouldn't have been nearly as damaging to innocent people if it was just their site being unreachable, but no, instead they are openly accused of being pedophiles.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 4, Insightful) 290

I'd have to disagree. What is the intent of copyright? If it is to prevent consumer confusion then I would have to side with The Tetris Company. I took a look at Tetrada and it is a clear duplicate, and if I was younger I wouldn't know any better and assume that this was Tetris. You have to take into account the sum of what you mentioned. If there was a game called Tetrada, and it didn't look the Tetris, then fine. However, you have a game that looks like Tetris *AND* a game name similar to Tetris. Personally, I like this action. The 'indie dev scene' is being taken over by developers intent on copying others ideas to make quick profit. I suppose this was popularized by Zynga. Don't get me started on Angry Birds...

Comment Re:Wrong about the best bit. (Score 1) 334

I respect the devs for releasing their game source code under GPL (2?). However, the licence doesn't enforce itself. If you don't want to spend the money defending it then you should really just keep your source code to yourself. Especially if you also release the assets and essentially ask others not to sell them.

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