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Comment Re:Facebook has the users and the games. (Score 1) 519

You're completely ignoring the point. This isn't about YOU in particular. This is about the masses, and the masses decide what is popular and what is not.
Most people don't care about debian developers (or even know what debian is). Most people don't care about tech journalists. The truth is that most people use Facebook for playing shitty games and keeping in touch with friends. Most peoples' friends will be on Facebook, not Google+.
Therefore, most people are going to stay where their friends are. On Facebook.

Comment Re:Indeed (Score 1) 862

I was completely unaware of that. Wouldn't mind seeing a link to these studies, as I find it quite interesting that I do the complete opposite of what you are saying. Yet I only speak English which has very few glyphs.
Sure, if there aren't any icons I can easily look at the text when I'm trying to find stuff, but if given the choice my eyes will naturally look for the logo.
In your example with Firefox, I would (and do) look for the logo. I would think more people would do this than you think. Hence why windows 7 just has an icon showing you what your minimised tab is, without the text.

Comment Food for thought. (Score 1) 295

Imagine you are sent and email containing a naked child. You choose to disregard it, as it is quite obviously spam (let's presume you have a terrible spam filter), but do not delete it. This thing sits, rotting away in the depths of your inbox. Seeing as you didn't take any steps to report the image, if the cops found out about this would you be on your way to a felony?

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