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Comment It gets to be too much (Score 0) 459

If a desktop is a 10 on the portability versus usability scale and a smart phone is a 0, owning a third device in between might make sense for this site's demographic. Currently, I own a netbook which is probably a 4 or a 5 on the afore mentioned scale. I'd rank the iPad and iPad-like tablets as a 2 or a 3, so for me, that's too similar to a smart phone and not different enough from my netbook to make me want to spend the time and effort of setting it up and integrating it into my daily routine. I think the tablets fit better for someone that has a fully-featured laptop and a smartphone and wants something in between.

I voted "Need fulfilled by other device(s)" but that's not quite correct. It mostly comes down to the fact that I already have three devices that I spend a lot of time using, and a fourth device would just be yet another thing I spend far too much time using and learning about. This is partially why my PMP is an un-Rockboxed Sansa Fuze. Rockbox is great; I've used it and enjoyed it in the past, but I don't want to tempt myself with something else with which to fiddle.

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