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Comment Hey Editor David..... We know where this road goes (Score 3, Funny) 157

Ironically, the historic Marxist song of the international workers movement began with the lyric, "Arise ye workers from your slumbers. Arise ye prisoners of want....",

When the Marxists get in power, not only is there far more 'want', but there's a lot of straight-up murder too. Not sure how you missed the 20th century entirely in your history classes.

Comment Re:This was obviously a Trump administration decis (Score 1) 301

Obviously, Barr's DOJ found nothing to incriminate Strzok or any other democrat, so they wiped the phones, released the information that the phones were wiped, and let the wingnuts make their own deranged conclusions.

I just want to say your username is lovely for this kind of post!

Comment Re: If San Onofre were still online? (Score 1) 260

San Onofre botched their Steam Generators to be sure, but they could have safely run them at a lower power level (80%) for decades. The hostile political environment resulted in a requirement to re-license at this lower power level. That process- given the aforementioned hostile environment- would have been prohibitively expensive.
The Fukushima comparison... well I'll say that's a unique charge against the site. The coastal location of the damaged Japanese plants was not the sole factor that lead to their disaster, and I don't believe those other factors were present for San Onofre in this slightest. But if you have some material I've missed, please share.

Comment Huh. Sounds like a familiar accusation. (Score 2, Insightful) 168

What they broadcast doesn't appear to have a significant bias, but the dirty secret is that any topic that can't be spinned to neutral or right leaning, Fox doesn't air, or they bury it 25 stories down.

How, pray tell, do you determine that your favorite news outlet isn't doing the same thing, but in service of a view point you favor?

Comment Re: Anti-racist is key for "Actually Racist" (Score 1) 123

They're usually racist against blacks as well, in a condescending, low-expectations fashion.
The Smithsonian just put out- and then memory-holed- a graphic saying that "thinking about the future" and "being on time" are oppressive aspects of 'white cultural supremacy'.
These people are insane retrogrades, and will take us straight back to raw tribalism if we let them. They are openly rejecting objectivity, rationalism, and every personal / behavioural trait that lead to our modern world.

Comment Disagreement isn't hate. We should relearn that. (Score 1) 56

When are we gonna accept that the future of labor is there is NO future and accept the current system simply isn't gonna work in the 21st century?

Considering that in the USA we had essentially full employment before the COVID-10 'response', I'd say we'll accept it as soon as it starts actually happening. We seem to keep finding more things for people to do.

As for the 'government handouts' you talk about, I think you've got your causes and effects mixed up. A Walmart employee on public assistance raises their standard of living above living on government assistance alone, or living on their wages alone. You seem to imply that in the absence of government assistance, that Walmart employee would not get that job at all. I suggest the individual would still choose to seek employment, and would rather living on Walmart wages than beggar's receipts.

Comment Uh.... wrong. In the US, anyway. (Score 2) 240

It is not cheap at all!

Only if you steal money from us, by not adding the costs of dealing with the waste for literally tens of thousands of years, so we have to pay for it instead.
It is theft and should be punished like theft.

This sort of scheme is fueling likely most of the organised crime, err I mean for-profit psychopath corporations on this planet.

Not sure who you're railing against, because you are incorrect as far as the US goes.

In the US, the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 obligated the Department of Energy to provide long-term storage of nuclear waste, and it funded this mandate with a per-kilowatt-hour tax on nuclear fuel. The funds thus collected paid for about 75% of the Yucca mountain facility construction, with the other 25% paid by the federal government in order to store waste products of nuclear weapons production.

The fund collected from these taxes currently stands at about $45 billion dollars. With the delays in opening Yucca mountain, nuclear waste from energy production is currently sitting around the country in dry fuel storage facilities at individual nuclear sites.

Comment Re:Hate speech doesn't exist (Score 1) 334

Silencing other's voices because you don't like what they say is the definition of intolerance.

Explain why hate speech deserves tolerance. But first, a rebuttal.

Let's split this cake the old-fashioned way. You get your anti-hate speech laws, and then I get to define what constitutes hate speech.

Oh? You thought to keep all this power to yourself?

Comment Do you read what you cite? (Score 1) 113

Maybe you mean "Why didn't the company that's responsible for the damned dam fix the damned dam?"

I found a USA today article with the quote you cited in it, and the article says why: They claimed they couldn't come up with $8,000,000 to do so, and they sought money from the community to do the work. Doing some back of the envelope calcs about the potential revenue from a 4.8 MW hydro plant, and knowing nothing about Boyce's other holdings, this is a credible claim on it's face. Certainly after their ability to sell electricity as a FERC participant was terminated, their financial abilities decreased further.

But if you're trying to let the governor off the hook, the USA Today article you cited has another interesting quote:
"With its power permit revoked, the Edenville Dam's regulation fell to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy. However, an EGLE inspection of the dam in October 2018 found it in "fair" condition, despite FERC's alarming findings only about a month earlier."

Comment 'Dog whistling' = I can read minds and accuse! (Score 3, Insightful) 483

'Dog whistling' is the new version of 'THAT'S RACIST'; it's the argument of last resort when the lefty has no real arguments for their position.

Since there's no basis for the charge of 'dog whistling' besides the sentiment of the accuser, it can only be an attempt to shut down all conversation through shaming.

For everyone else reading, if someone accuses you of being racist or engaging in 'racist dog-whistling', thank them for their surrender in the current debate. It's just another ad-homonym attack when they've run out of intelligently founded arguments.

I swear some of these people have been pathologically conditioned to fall back on 'RACIST' whenever their destructive ideas are effectively challenged.

Comment Pretty simple answer, really. (Score 1) 175

No, European style education is not bare-bones, yet somehow our prices are much more competitive. Why is that?

Because the federal government tries to 'help' by making more money available, by way of grants and low-interest, unbankruptle loans, which has enabled colleges to raise prices by the amount of the 'help.'
The money available by this 'help' has increased at a rate far above inflation, so the cost of colleges has likewise increased. Sure, most of the colleges involved are 'non-profit', but the people running them still like high salaries, huge staffs, and fancy buildings.

Comment So what are you going to leave behind? (Score 1) 284

Gates' family were already millionaires and Gates had the freedom to fail and to put years of work into Microsoft without needing to see a dime from it. He also had a number of connections that the average person didn't that allowed him certain "ins" at IBM to get his software in front of the right eyes. Paul Allen enjoyed similar wealth and safety nets - don't forget he and Gates became friends when they met at the same private school they both attended.

... I sure as hell didn't have the luxury of not having to bring money in the door when I started out working, I had rent to pay and food to buy.

Then, I suppose, the question is this- Are you going to build a legacy your kids can build further from? Or are you going to contribute to class warfare and jealousy, and ensure no crabs get out of the bucket?

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