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Comment Re:Time to cancel Netflix if true. (Score 1) 207

Those are certainly areas that are painful given how today's media is distributed.

I guess the real point that I was hoping to make was that comments like being willing to "gladly pay significant sums of money" is normally some manner of rationalization at best (as I thought was the case with the post I was replying to).

Comment Re:Time to cancel Netflix if true. (Score 1) 207

What wretched idealistic bull... Is "righteous entitlement" nihilistic speak for "paying fair money for a product?"

I wouldn't have described my post as idealistic nor would I have classified it as nihilistic. My intentions were to point out the (IMO flawed) idealism of the post I was replying to.

Some people don't value their money? Remaining within the legal boundaries?

Not everybody is a drug running hitman? Must be exciting!

I'm unsure how you were able to make the connection that I was suggesting that people should defy the law. Also, I'm pretty surprised that you would suggest I was implying that drug runners could somehow find the time in their busy schedules to also collect on contracts.

Comment Re:Time to cancel Netflix if true. (Score 0, Troll) 207

Some people like to have a high horse to ride in on so as to make them appear better in line with their "outspoken enthusiast" ideologies.

Sometimes it is a Prius, sometimes it is a certain wardrobe or vinyl collection. In your case it appears to be Netflix's streaming service.

Simply because you found it to be a good plank in your soap box platform doesn't change the fact that the original post was spot on with regards to folks rationalization regarding their reasons for pirating content.

The fact that there is a nonzero number of users for Netflix's streaming service proves that's not true.

All that proves is that some people don't value their money as much as others or rather maybe they feel that the righteous entitlement that they are purchasing by remaining within the legal boundaries is worth the money.

Comment Re:Chinese puns (Score 1) 272

For comparison, ... I can tell you that Korean is significantly more difficult in this regard. ... None of them will pronounce them the same, and then they'll start arguing over what the correct pronunciation is.

This isn't a good example.

Modern standard Korean isn't tonal. Yes, there are regional variations in the language just like any language, but difficulties in agreeing on the pronunciation of a word aren't because the language has nothing but tonal differences to tell words apart.

Comment Re:How else would you terminate them? (Score 1) 612

In a low-level language like C or assembly, anyway? The only workable alternative I ever saw was to store the length in (or with) the string, which can be very wasteful of memory.

How is storing the length wasteful of memory? 99% of the time I'd guess as much space would be used in storing a null character as would be consumed storing the length of the string itself.

Comment Re:There was a bigger mistake: (Score 1) 612

Minor nit for those not familiar with BSTRs: In a BSTR the length technically comes before the start of the string (pBSTR[0] actually points to the first character in the array).

Technically having a BSTR be null terminated wouldn't be required if it wasn't for the fact that the whole purpose of a BSTR was to allow these strings to be passed around to existing functions which only expected simple null terminated WCHAR* strings).

Comment Re:Nuke it from orbit... (Score 1) 162

Whatever, did Armgeddon have the ultimate badass!? State of the badass art!? Someone you do NOT wanna fuck with!? Check it out! Did they have a squad of ultimate badasses to protect you!? Check it out! What about independently targeting particle beam phalanx? Vwap! Fry half a city with that puppy. Did they have tactical smart missiles, phase-plasma pulse rifles, RPGs, sonic electronic ball breakers!? Nukes, knives, sharp sticks?!?!?!?

Please, get out of here with your Armageddon crap.


A Real Bill Gates Rant 293

lou ibmix XI submitted an email written by Bill Gates a few years ago and turned over to the feds as part of the government's antitrust case. Great quotes like 'Someone decided to trash the one part of Windows that was usable?' and 'The lack of attention to usability represented by these experiences blows my mind.' We like to think of him as an abstract, but I think this is interesting stuff. Also, this might seem familiar. Oops.

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