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Comment Re:The rise of Javascript. (Score 1) 250

Oh...I forgot to add that I agree with the rest of your post. JavaScript just feels annoyingly hacked together. Working with it is getting better all the time, though, and if we continue to see it used for so many things that were not envisioned when it was created, I expect we will see it modernized...at least I hope so.

Comment Re:The rise of Javascript. (Score 1) 250

It uses the same symbol for addition and string concatenation, leading to the necessity of ugly hacks like parseInt() that could just as easily be done transparently if the two (conceptually dissimilar) operations had separate symbols.

IMHO, using the same symbol for string concatenation and addition is actually a fairly logical choice that many modern languages implement. The problem is that it allows you to concatenate a string and a number by just converting the number to a string. So 'blah' + 11 gives you 'blah11'. The problem, of course is that if you have input that you expect to be a number but is actually a string representation of a number you may not get what you are expecting ('1' + 1 = '11').

It forces you to pay attention to your data. I hate that. :)

Comment Re:Did your congressman do his duty? (Score 3, Informative) 422

Here is the official roll call, btw:


As noted, the name of the bill is completely unrelated because they took the unrelated bill and completely replaced it with the patriot act renewal. This is the type of practice that happens all the time. Running the congress app on my android has opened my eyes to the shenanigans that are pulled daily. Our government is a sham, folks.

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