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Comment So long and thanks for all the fish... (Score 2, Insightful) 360

Where do you think all the fish you eat is coming from?

Ocean are over-exploited, people are talking to register Tuna to the list of endangered species (it is that serious). Quotas and catch management are barely working...

What you need is an area where fish can reproduce and grow. For migratory species like Tuna you need a big area, and because of el nino anyhow, the big area for fishing is the west Pacific, not the central Pacific where this area is.

Kiribati just did that.

Comment yes but the issue is Video!! (Score 1) 360

The issue is video at the moment. Without accelerated video the browsers are not giving full capability to HTML5.

Stuff like are fun, preview of what comes, but unfortunately very browser specific.

Waiting for a video standard....

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