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Comment Re:Seems fair to me (Score 1) 223

There is starting to be a fairly standard line in employment contracts that gives the employer ownership of things you produce in your own time even if completely unrelated to your employer's business domain. I wouldn't start my current job till they removed that line from the contract. They didn't realize how broad the line item was defined so they had no problem removing it.

Comment Re:War on drugs (Score 1) 621

If we grew the house precincts to that size in theory we'd get better representation at the local level. In reality there would probably be so many representatives that nothing would get done and you'd have even less of a clue who you are voting for than you do now. Do you know who is running for your current house seats and what their views are? Imagine you live in a city like New York City which by itself would need to have 280 representatives. How much air time or newspaper space do you think it would take to advertise those candidates? How likely are you to even hear a message from your candidate? There isn't a newspaper I know of that is dedicated to news on just the upper east side or of just meatpacking. And those neighborhoods may even end up with multiple seats.

I like that you are thinking of ways to try to improve the system, but I think this would be really confusing and hard to manage. I don't think most people can name even the senators that represent them and there's only 2 of those per state.

Comment Re:Got this (Score 1) 258

I got the full percentage one time and only one time. When I complained about getting so many awards and recognition for great performance but only ever got a 90% on my performance grade for a quarter. When I pointed this out the department director's eyes literally bugged out as he realized how pissed I was and made sure I got more than 100% that quarter. The next quarter it went back to the same and not long after I changed jobs.

Comment Re:Needs municipal class action (Score 1) 767

You do know that local residential roads aren't always shown on state maps of roads that Rand-McNally produces, right? Those are usually only shown in city level maps. Some atlases have city level maps of major cities that are points of destination, but random borough? not really. I never saw a map of the roads in my home town until the internet. (Downtown area yes but not the whole town.)

Comment Re:That's just too damn bad. (Score 1) 767

I'd have no problem with this is roads were all built to the same specifications and funded by a large pool at federal or state level, but in reality they aren't. Residential roads are general funded by the residents in that city, town, borough, hamlet, possibly even neighborhood. So does your argument hold water if the only people paying for maintenance on that street are the residents who live on it? If 0 of your tax dollars paid for it why do you get to dictate that you should get to use it just because you paid taxes. Highways generally are funded at the state or federal level. You do pay for those. But if you're driving along highway 3.14 from City A to City Z and divert onto township C's local street that you didn't pay for with no intention of engaging with township C or helping its economy to make maintaining these roads possible what right do you really have to dictate how those streets are used?

Comment Re: Please report this. (Score 1) 361

I found most dickhead landlord/property managers become much more amenable whenever you pretend to have some knowledge of the relevant law. It doesn't matter much if you actually know the law for certain or not, but if it sounds like the law might be on your side they generally cave quickly. That's how I got them to finish work on my bathroom after not having a bathtub for like a month. I just called left a message with his secretary that it wasn't exactly legal to have no access to a bathing facilities for that period of time. Within 3 days the thing was fixed.

Comment Re:A Change in Society (Score 1) 157

Can you be sure that what is ok today will not be considered racist and derogatory to some group in the future and that society won't consider that your opinion on the matter has changed or become more enlightened since then? I already see this in the current political theater. Bernie Sanders wrote an article 50 years ago (I'm not going to bother looking up the exact date but I remember it being long ago) that had some content that is considered derogatory towards women, and I've heard about that several times during the election when the thrust of the article was about women rights using thoughts and language from 50 years ago. (Some of those thoughts are downright wrong but I don't believe he thinks the same way now based on the thrust of the article.) On the other side we see Trump being accused of being contrary because of his change in stance on certain views. Our society doesn't forgive. Let's say you were found guilty of a crime (whether you committed it or not doesn't matter), from this day forward everyone will believe you committed that crime and that you are just a criminal even if you try to reform and this application allows people to easily see that as your top ranked search result even if you change your name.

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