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Comment Not just 16x9 please (Score 3, Interesting) 66

If they're building panels for monitors, and they only produce them in 16x9, then my money is looking for a competitor that produces 16x10, or even 4x3 or 3x2 panels.

My money, my decision.

If my money remains unspent, so be it - I'll stick with what I already have, until it finally stops working.

Comment Re:The King of sequels (Score 1) 283

Alien was innovative. Aliens is a generic action movie with "marines" who act like wimps and a child, in a desperate attempt to move the viewers. Terminator 2 is essentially a remake of the previous movie with an annoying kid and cringe-worthy dialogues. The dark elements of the first one disappeared. It only succeeded because of the visual effects and some big action set pieces.

Comment Re:They're asking the wrong question (Score 1) 585

Since the FBI has a warrant, I think it is well within its right to contract any company to create this tool, but that they can't force Apple to accept this contract just because they originally built the phone. The question is whether Apple can be compelled to provide source code or other expertise to help whoever has agreed to do it.

Comment Re:isnt ice less dense? (Score 4, Insightful) 232

Not exactly and no. When mass is redistributed (due to ice melting, plate tectonics, mantle convection, etc...) the shape of the geoid changes. However the total mass of the Earth is conserved. So if you are far enough away from the Earth to make it indistinguishable from a point mass, Earth's gravity remains constant.

Comment Re:Fuck Beta! (Score 2) 197

When I went to uni, more years ago than I care to remember, I would return home from time to time at the weekend, and go out with the lads on a Saturday night. As it was a rural area, we'd drive to the nearest big town, visit a pub and then go on clubbing.

We'd usually visit the same pub, but every few months the pub we went to would change.


We didn't go to the pub with the best beer, the best music, the best seats. No, we just went to the "place where everyone else went". From time to time, everyone in town would get bored with one place and move on somewhere else which then became the new "place where everyone went". That made it (for us, at that time) the place with the best atmosphere.

What Dice needs to realise is that all that Slashdot is is one of the "places where everyone goes" for computer / techie discussion (OK, so it's not the only one, but you get my drift). This site has no value, other than being the "place where everyone goes".

It won't be at all difficult for someone to set up Dashslot, or Slushdirt or whatever, with the same formula as traditional Slashdot, and once word gets around that new site will be the "place where everyone goes" instead of here. Slashdot will become the new Kuro5hin, a steep and tragic decline from former glories.

And that new site might even have decent editing and Unicode support.

Comment Re:I am shocked shocked I tell you (Score 4, Interesting) 384

Check out the this article and search for the section on Geoffrey Prime and read what he got up to.

And remember his "data collection" was done on pieces of card, and was before the days that most adults/parents carry mobile tracking devices around with them so their locations could be known at most times.

Comment Re:Reprehensible (Score 1) 490

It depends on how you measure success. If you look at things like prison population, life expectancy, homicide rate, treatment of minorities, poverty, access to higher education, access to healthcare, work conditions, protection of civil liberties, freedom of the press, etc..., the U.S. is a shithole I wouldn't want to live in.

Comment Re:Another perspective (Score 1) 316

Yes. This is correct. We have an upcoming generation of gamers who, in five years, are going to be interested in playing things that aren't crap. If even a tiny percentage of the Angry Birds crowd grows into console and PC gamers, the industry is looking damn good in about five years.

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