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Comment Re:If they own the copyright... (Score 0) 194

We are dealing with American copyright law, not the Statute of Anne. Maybe you weren't aware of that, or maybe you are just an asshole. Either one, the effect is the same. And, just to show you exactly how stupid your comment is, in the time of the Statute of Anne, the Anne in for whom the statute is named overruled a colonial law prohibiting slavery. Therefore, I can only assume that because you wish to use the laws of the 1700s, you also want to bring back slavery.

If you don't like the length of the modern copyright as defined in the laws, you work and change the law. Oh, wait, that would mean doing something besides violating copyright law, complaining about copyright law, and liking things on Facebook.

Until you are actually willing to work to change the law, shut the fuck up, asshole.

Comment Re:If they own the copyright... (Score 0) 194

The entire *purpose* of copyrights is to get works into the public domain.

No, that is not the purpose of copyright. The purpose of U.S. copyright law is set forth in the Constitution of the United States of America, Article one, Section 8:

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

Now, are you done proving your ignorance?

Comment Author isn't familiar with credit card billing (Score 0) 83

Shades of privacy concerns, to say nothing of jealousy on the part of established payment system companies that would love to collect such valuable information.

What the author doesn't seem to know is that credit card transactions are itemized. Even if one's bill is just a summary transaction statement, one can request and receive an itemized bill from one's credit card service that will show every item purchased. "Established payment system companies" already collect and keep on record this "valuable information". They have been doing it for as long as they have existed to investigate and prevent fraud.

Comment Re:devalued content (Score 0) 256

Maybe you should use the rest of that quote:

Information Wants To Be Free. Information also wants to be expensive. ... That tension will not go away

And, information doesn't want anything. Information is not sentient; it has no wants, no desires, and no feelings. Stop anthropomorphizing it.

Saying information wants to be free is like saying a dream wants to be real. Dreams do not wish to be real, rather the dreamer wishes the dream to be real or not.

Comment Re:Open source vs proprietary (Score 0) 792

Here is an example of your two-faced hypocrisy: According to you share means to make a copy of something and give the copy away rather than to let someone else use your copy. Then you complain that the other words I listed have two meanings. To you, share has two meanings as well. So stop whining, you little bitch.

So, you don't believe the copyright holder is entitled to anything. So you have no problem if people violate the GPL right? After all, if the copyright holder isn't entitled to anything, then FLOSS supporters are not entitled to anything either.

Gnome has two important faces. From the user's perspective, it is an integrated desktop environment and application suite.
From the announcement of KDEAn integrated Desktop Environment for the Unix Operating SystemYou were saying, asshole?

Actually, it is you and RMS who are claiming to know the truth, specifically the superiority of FLOSS.

Oh, please, do you have to keep lying? Your mind was made up and will never change because you are too busy drinking the koolaid of RMS. Apparently the only thing that constitutes a good case to you is "It is better to use a crappy tool that I consider free rather than a good tool that will do the job better and easier but I don't consider free." RMS' entire philosophy is based on his own selfishness. He wants something under his terms and only his terms and if he can't have it that way, it is evil and must be denigrated and destroyed. He goes around preaching his gospel to the likes of you, who are too stupid to see what it really is. Then you try to argue how much better FLOSS is and when confronted with the truth, try to change the discussion. You make an analogy and when it shown to be false, you say "That is not what I said". You say something, and when proven wrong you say "That is not what I meant." You point to the handful of moderately successful FLOSS projects, which are invariably backed by corporate interests, as proof that all FLOSS is great and wonderful. And, when it is pointed out that the rest of the FLOSS projects are a vast smoking ruin that no average user would want to actually use, you act as though that doesn't matter. Face it, skippy, you are just a brainwashed fool for whom there would never be enough evidence. For you FLOSS is a religion and you have blind faith in it.

Comment Re:Open source vs proprietary (Score 1) 792

Oh, so what it is called matters. Kind of like it is called the Theory of Gravity so it isn't really scientific fact. I guess when you dial a phone number, you are using an actual dial, yes? And, when you take a shit, you bring a turd back with you. And, when you surf the web, a board, water and waves are involved, yes?

"Creators create"? Hmm, interesting idea. So, when you make an unauthorized copy of a song, you send a dollar to the group who performed it, yes? Or, to the person or people who wrote the song and sold it? Or, to the person who mixed it? Or, to the person who paid for it to be recorded?

It is an example of how you don't even know your own argument, which is never pedantic and is very relevant.

Off hand, no I do not know the numbers, but I do know that every single router used in the telecoms I have worked for ran IOS or some other proprietary OS. None of them ran Linux. And, I know that every major ATM manufacturer uses embedded Windows. In fact, it is one of those things people like to post, ATMs and digital billboards with blue screens.

If GIMP is not a PS replacement, why does it try to copy the PS look and feel? Their actions speak for themselves.

I did not use an ambiguous term. I used the term used by both GNOME and KDE. You don't like it, take it up with them. And, it is not my fault you are not intelligent enough to determine the meaning of an acronym from it's use. Perhaps you should actually learn about computers instead of asking me to dumb things down for you.

Yes, you would rather be true to your rather maintain your false religious belief rather than admit the truth. You must be a good theist, tenaciously holding onto falsehoods and stupidity rather than facing reality. You don't care if you go down just as long as you don't admit anyone else is right. That is why you are a stupid asshole.

Comment Re:Open source vs proprietary (Score 0) 792

So, what you are saying is that you must make a copy of an idea in order to "share" the idea, yes? So, you are not actually sharing the idea as much as you are making a copy of the idea and giving to someone else for free, yes? Yes, I thought so.

ZeroPaid is an anti-copyright, anti-**AA blog.

No, you stated that content creators' profits should be down if "sharing" was a problem. Then, you linked to a article about artists making more money. But, the article said that artists are making more money from live shows even as recording profits fall. And, while the artist is making the content, they are doing so for hire. The real "content creator" is the record label that pays the artists to make and record the content and provides the money for the artist to go on tour. What about the copyright holder of the songs? You know, the guys who are actually selling the recorded music and providing the backing for the tours? You know, the people who are the members of the RIAA? How are they doing? Last I heard, recorded music sales are down yet again.

Wikipedia is not software. MediaWiki is software. Get your facts straight, dumbass. Geez, how stupid can you get? It says it on the link YOU provided.

Tell you what you do, go out and ask 1,000 random people using Android if Android is open source and I bet almost every response will be "What is open source?" Do the same for Firefox and Chrome and I bet you get the same result. Chrome, by the way, is targeted at users of Google's services and is pushed by Google. And, both Firefox and Chrome are arguably better than IE. What does that say about my original statement which boils down to "Stop being jealous of the success of proprietary software. If FLOSS were actually better than proprietary software, people would use it and FLOSS would be successful."

As for those being "open source run by millions of people", how about those millions of ATMs, routers, switches, and other devices using embedded Windows, Cisco IOS, and other proprietary operating systems? What is the ratio of FLOSS used to proprietary used?

And, yes, you should list the "millions of crappy proprietary software", especially those that are commercial successes. Please list all the crappy proprietary software that claims to be a suitable replacement for Photoshop whose proponents whine about not being able to get people to use their crappy product instead of Photoshop. Then repeat that with every other successful proprietary product that RMS and his acolytes whine about.

IDEs, you know Integrated Desktop Environments. Are you really so stupid as to not know what those are? Maybe you have heard of KDE and GNOME. Yes? No? Are you really that much of a fucking idiot? I guess you are. Here, I will explain it to you. There are these things called computers that have something called a Graphical User Interface or GUI (pronounced gooey). The GUI is generally uses a "desktop and windows" concept managed by what is known as a desktop and/or window manager. Often, the manager is part of what is known as an Integrated Desktop Environment or IDE which provides an API and applications as well as the window management functions. On OS X for Apple, Darwin is the GUI and IDE. The Microsoft GUI/IDE is Windows. For Linux, the GUI is known as the X Window system and the most popular window managers are also IDEs. They are KDE (the K Desktop Environment) and GNOME (the GNU Network Object Model Environment). Now, on Linux, one does not have to use an IDE as there are a large number of window managers available including but not limited to Enlightenment, WindowMaker, FVWM, Fluxbox, and Metacity.

Now that I have schooled you, do you understand now, or are going to be a willfully ignorant fuck?

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