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Comment Re:Well ... (Score -1, Troll) 270

No, actually it is you who are lying. Donald Trump never even once advocated violence. I think you are thinking of Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and Kamala Harris, all of whom were much more clear than Trump in lending their support to violent protests.

Trump explicitly called for peaceful protests, and anyone who claims otherwise should either quote the call to violence verbatim, or they are lying. Pretty sure you are lying, as if such a quote from Trump existed, we would both be aware of it.

Also, the J6 election fraud protest was not as violent as you suggest. There was reprehensible property damage, but the worst that I'm aware of from the protesters' side was some idiots and cops mutually beating each other with sticks. Most of the violence was committed against the election fraud protesters. The protesters themselves never used deadly violence against anybody on J6, unlike the Capitol Police, who shot an election fraud protester in cold blood -- a unarmed woman. It was an outrageous crime. And only fascists defend the shooting of Ashli Babbitt. Are you a fascist, I wonder?

Comment Re:Long winded way to say... (Score -1, Troll) 270

Considering who they all seem to blindly follow and/or listen to (Trump, MTG, Fox, OANN, Rogan, Nugent, etc...)

That was a weaksauce insult on your part, but I do feel obligated to point out that your information isn't even current. Any America First conservative worth his or her salt will denounce Fox News as a has-been in the conservative movement. There are a few people there like Tucker Carlson who are well regarded, but many others there have more ideologically in common with Democrats than Republicans. I don't follow any Fox shows, so this surprised me when I learned it, but after seeing stuff from various talking heads at Fox, I do feel it is true.

Comment Re:Long winded way to say... (Score 0, Flamebait) 270

The difference between Republicans and Democrats' approaches to analytical reasoning is well illustrated by their respective treatment of the Trump Russia hoax versus the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. In both cases, Democrats blindly believed (and quite startlingly, many still believe!) their side's talking points without any evidence or skepticism, declaring Trump guilty even though he actually didn't collude with Russia. Similarly, Democrats exonerate the Bidens even though the whole world possesses damning cryptographic DKIM verified evidence along with credible witness testimony that the Bidens are guilty of accepting millions in foreign influence payments, and of (ab)using the VP office to achieve favors for their Ukrainian family cash cow, Burisma.

This article is quite relevant to the discussion, as Twitter aggressively censored the NYP's Hunter Biden laptop scandal article in order to help their preferred candidate in the 2020 election. It was extremely blatant and corrupt. In other words, it was a typical Democrat move. Now that the 2020 election is over, some leftists consider it safe to admit that the Hunter Biden laptop story was real. Most still prefer not to talk about it, because, well, they are fake news.

Comment Re:Long winded way to say... (Score -1, Troll) 270

More likely, that those on The Right are less critical and/or independent thinkers.

Oh man, you are so right about this. If conservatives would only listen to Democrat government authority figures, public service messages from megacorporations, and opinions of celebrities, then they could be "critical and/or independent thinkers."

Comment Re:Well ... (Score 0, Troll) 270

The paper feeds a convenient narrative for the left. And heck, it very well may be that the algorithm favors the political right, at least sometimes. We're talking about a massive system and algorithms responding to patterns of traffic in very abstract ways. However I really doubt it is reducible to one dimensional analysis.

Also, it is well established that the human beings who censor Twitter manually do so in a way that favors the political left from the very top of Twitter. I mean, they banned Donald Trump along with a bunch of other people who claimed that the Democrats cheated in the 2020 election. They regularly censor conservative opinions on social, e.g. transgender issues. This kind of thing is the reason that Gettr, Gab, Parler, and others were created - conservatives were tired of having their speech banned by Twitter so people perceived a market for alternatives.

Comment Re:everyone buying gaming (Score 4, Funny) 58

Who's next??

Glad you asked. After decades of negotiations beginning shortly after the game's introduction in 1973, Slashdot is tentatively announcing that it is considering purchasing the Hunt the Wumpus text based adventure game.

The world will never be the same, but this is our new normal and we'd best get used to it.

Comment Good - Py3 was a bug fix (Score 1) 70

I have seen so much horrible handling of Unicode text that comes out of high level languages that don't make it hard to do the wrong thing. That's a major example, and there are others. For me as for many others, Python 3 was a painful upgrade that was worth it.

The newly mandated parens on the built in print statement didn't seem 100% necessary, except I guess as long as they were breaking things they might as well make the language self consistent and elegant. So (shrug).

Comment Re:I'll settle for staying out of the hospital (Score 1) 173

Okay troll, let's play. First, Pfizer and Moderna's vaccines haven't been associated with blood clotting at all

Oh. And here I thought there were heart attacks and strokes in people who had just recently got Pfizer and Moderna shots. I am so glad to hear you say that that never happened. Huge relief. Thanks bud!

Comment Re:90% of ICU, and 95% on ventilators are unvaxxed (Score -1, Troll) 173

Also your stats are bogus. In many places many-to-most of those dying with covid have been injected with the mRNA therapies. You are welcome to supply a source showing otherwise that isn't a ridiculous lying politician fear mongering on behalf of Pfizer's already obscene profits.

Comment Re:90% of ICU, and 95% on ventilators are unvaxxed (Score -1) 173

"Hurp durp - let's take a shot from two years ago that doesn't even work on current strains because the guy on TV told me to. If somebody questions it, it's because he isn't able to do basic arithmetic!"

I briefly tried to feel bad about mocking you, but it's actually for the wider good, so the feeling soon passed. I mean, am I wrong? Are you saying that the shots designed two years ago will actually work to "stop the spread" of omicron? If you are saying this, then you are lying. Which gets back to my earlier comment - your whole schtick boils down to "We gotta take it because Mommy said to, and she knows best." There's no science, no rational basis. Just authoritarianism and rather pathetic and ridiculous attempts to shame those who use their brains.

Comment Isn't it formulated for a 2yo strain? (Score 0) 173

Seriously, Moderna and Pfizer are talking about making a new mRNA therapy for the newest strain(s). Why would anybody expect the old one to be more effective than a random flu shot from a few years ago?

As one who has declined any of these mRNA therapies in the absence of long term safety information, I realize people tend to get angry when I point out the lack of a case for taking the shots being mandated all over the place. But you guys are wrong, and you do very badly need to have your faces rubbed in it.

There's no long term safety information. There's no evidence of efficacy against current strains. The only thing left is appeal to authority. "Take it because Mommy says to! And Mommy knows best, so don't argue with Mommy." Yeah sure, dude.

Comment Trying to buy my kid a GPU for Blender rendering (Score 1) 125

The GPU market is insane right now, and it's because of crypto miners. Is it selfish to hope that the whole crypto world implodes? Yeah, I guess it is. I do appreciate at least the idea of crypto and theoretical freedom from government surveillance and interference, even if I don't trust it enough to get personally involved.

But man. GPU's right now...

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