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Comment Cool! (Score 1) 326

Not only can I -- thanks to Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl -- say anything I want by following it up with the "not a factual statement" disclaimer...

I can now slander companies AND get a cushy advertisement by NPR by saying "the tools of theater are not the same as the tools of journalism." Thanks, Mike Daisey!

No, I didn't put links. Google the names, lazy-folk!

Comment Re:Great. Although... (Score 1) 114

I know who it is. But even the most epic game designers can have off-games. It's one thing to have a company breathing down your neck for "quality assurance," but to have MILLIONS of fans that have donated their hard-earned cash, directly funding your project?

That's some serious pressure.

Comment Re:Semantic Gripe, incoming! (Score 1) 222

people simply don't care anymore

educate and bring them to our side of the fray.

Oh, god. If you only knew... I'm a teacher, by trade. I do this, daily, but I consistently feel like I'm a parent watching a child stick a fork into a wall outlet for the fifteenth time. ESPECIALLY on subjects pertaining to security while online.

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