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Comment Re:3 of 6 half a dozen of the other (Score 1) 338

Police power? All they need are Terms Of Service. Copyright infringement = TOS violation = internet connection terminated. You'll need a lawyer to convince them to reinstate, assuming such is even possible.

There's a segment of the /. population that advocates open routers/TOR gateways/etc. as a means of legal protection ("Oh, no Your Honor, it wasn't me that done it!"). That may or may not protect you from RIAA et all, but you'll be internet-free long before you see the inside of a courtroom; your ISP doesn't require a judge's approval to cut you off.

Comment Survival (Score 1) 289

My own view is more survival oriented: Cave man's friend walks under a tree and gets his face eaten by a jaguar. Cave man says, "why?". The realizes that he should look up to check for jaguars before walking under trees. Cave man lives longer and has a better chance of passing on his genes.

Most humans have a driving need to know 'why' - so much so that we make up "reasons" in the absence of conclusive evidence. We just aren't comfortable without answers and it's nothing more than a hardwired survival mechanism working overtime. Explains a lot about the world's religions, really.

Winning arguments could improve survival/chance to pass on genes, so I'd call TFA's argument a subset of mine. ;)

Comment Sloppy thinking is bad. (Score 1) 962

I don't claim to know much about climate science, evolution, natural history or reproductive biology. So me claiming a "scientific" position on global warming, creationism, evolution or abortion is to some extent who I want to have faith in. Generally I choose respected scientists, but its still faith on my part because I haven't done the research myself.

No, you are just propagating Republican talking points. if you have nothing to offer to this discussion, please, by all means remain silent and let other debate with more ideas and facts on both sides.

The person you are ranting at was logically precise. People like you on both sides are part of the problem.

Comment Re:plausible deniability via TOR (Score 0) 284

Chances are your ISP would just cut you off after receiving enough complaints/DMCA notices (for stuff you didn't do). Good luck trying to get them to relent. Their TOS probably have some kind of 'at will' clause that says "we can terminate your service at any time for any reason". Deniability *might* protect you in court, but it won't convince an ISP to provide you with service.

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