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Comment Re:More Apple-specific connectors? (Score 1) 369

I suggest you might want to consider reading it again... "Current jacks will fit the new port design, but since the port is cut in half and exposed to one side of the device shell, a traditional connector would simply drop out: Apple proposes a magnetic interface that would keep a thin audio connector in place. "

Comment Re:But did they found what they were looking for? (Score 1) 385

This. A hundred times this. Mod parent up +9000 insightful. Of things I lookup in google, only about one in five require me to actually click the link, rather than letting me see the answer from the displayed text under the link. For most simple things like "how to spell google ceo" or "150 usd in eur" the answer is displayed on the results page and you have no need to click any links. If you can paraphrase your question/query right, most of the time you don't need to click anything. Only if you're looking for more info, or something that doesn't fit the short clip do you need to click a link.

Comment Why would "offline" equal "cheater invasion"? (Score 1) 591

What I don't understand is, how exactly does "no always offline requirement" translate to "huge problems with cheaters". If you allow offline, LAN games, I don't have problems with cheaters. For one, it's offline, people can't just connect to it. Ergo, if someone on the game cheats, I KNOW them, they are actually in MY HOUSE. So I can just get off my chair and go punch the f*cker in the face. And drink his soda, most probably. For online servers, sure, require always-online connectivity. They really ARE always online so it doesn't matter. But for Single Player and LAN games? Always Online requirement does not make sense in any reasonable way. The least being cheater protection. A heavy baseball bat works a heck of a lot better than any DRM when it comes to offline gaming.

Comment Re:hmmm (Score 1) 200

If that will become the reality, I will greatly regret the day I was born to this world... By your logic, no-one, ever, would be able to market any software that has the name "Windows" on it... Search any freeware/shareware website and you'll find hundreds, if not thousands, of titles that have "Windows" as part of their name (not counting the "for Windows" titles even). I HIGHLY doubt Bethesda has a case, I very much doubt they have trademarked "Scrolls", which would logically be required to even think of a case here. Logic has a infamous capability to be absent in legal battles, however. Think about game titles, if by trademarking the Title you automatically are granted a trademark on any individual words in the title, this world will collapse overnight. "Dragon Age" "Age of Conan" "Age of Mythology"; "Might & Magic Heroes" "Company of Heroes" "Heroes over Europe".. etc, etc. There's a point there, by the way. HOMM's real legal name is infact "Might & Magic® Heroes®", which means both parts of the title have been registered and STILL they don't have a case with any other game with "Heroes" on the title.

Comment Re:We're working hard on the technology... (Score 1) 321

and of course its not like they can just plug a new drive in the server and flip the spill over over in a few minutes (note this is why you set the alarm threshold low and or install new storage ahead of the need)

Wait.. why? If people (me included) can do this *at home* (via various techniques), I'm fairly certain Google can do so with a more-or-less mission-critical server...

Comment Palm called, they want their grid of icons back... (Score 1) 465

Erm.. sorry Apple, I love (some of) your products to death, but as a company you sure try as you might to get on my bad side. My Palm Tungsten from the year Sword and Shield looks a lot like an iPhone too, with the grid of icons on the homescreen and all (also, Galaxy S' homescreen incidentally DOESN'T have the icons, you have to hit the app drawer icon first, the homescreen itself is completely customizable...).

Comment Re:Trolls? (Score 1) 417

Exactly. TFA seems to be effective IF the "troll" in question is really just a "normal" rational person that just happens to be pissed off/angry/disagreeing with the other person. For a "genuine" troll - not so much. Ignore/ban seems to work much, much better. Or, as I said, there's a possibility that the author of TFA is just trolling, in which case he's good, really good. ;)

Comment Re:Duh? (Score 1) 459

So? You think they are magically different?

Maybe not magically, but legally / etc. At least here in Finland we used to get offers (usually via phone) to get our mobile numbers listed in the phonebook for Just This Nice Price(tm). Even now, you DON'T get listed if you don't opt-in (and I'm not sure if that's even free).

Comment Re:Dead on. (Score 2) 470

Yes it does. But which one takes more resources to install/maintain? Which one is easier and faster to set up for "moms and pops"? And the latest trend.. which one runs/can be used straight from Android/iOS without the need of a computer of any kind...

Comment Re:Are you guys really loosing it in the U.S? (Score 1) 496

"Trust is not needing that password" I disagree. I would only give out my password(s) to anyone I explicitly trusted. There's clearly two different "trusts". My wife has all my passwords: email, login, local admin, server roots, domain, banking logins, etc, etc. I gave them to her especially BECAUSE I trust her. In the event something needs to be done and I'm not able, she can. Disclaimer: My wife is also a nerd, so that may change things. She actually knows the difference between a local/domain admin and can do some stuff with our servers. Also, been married 10+ years. YMMV.

Comment Re:Obligatory (Score 2) 419

Mod Parent so up it shows on the moon! That is sooo true, and it doesn't stop at American TV. It's the same kinda cr*p here in Finland. Graphic Violence, Blood, Shooting - probably ok for a 12-14 years old kids (according to TV guidelines). Show a nipple (yes, bare nipple) - instant 16+ rating. Full frontal naked body (no sex, no masturbation, nothing, just whole body) - 18+ rating. I mean, how stupid are we? (funnies thing concerning this I've read - If a man's penis is erect and the angle is more than 45 degrees, you can't show it on television - at all, ever. Now I'm just imagining little old ladies with a degree-rules staring at penises on monitors :D)

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