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User Journal

Journal Journal: The truly important things

My EFF membership package came in the mail yesterday. A nice black ball cap, and an amazingly loud red t-shirt, with a picture on the back of a group of animals protesting, holding signs bearing the slogans, "Fair Use", "First Sale Rights", and "Time Shifting", with the caption, "Fair Use Has a Posse." And that got me thinking.

I am appalled at the hypocrisy and utter lack of human qualities I witness in the geeks I am surrounded by all day.


Journal Journal: Community 5

So I just spent like an hour reading trolls' journals.

That's a different perspective. And I found out I've got something in common with them. We both wish slashdot's editors were more community-minded.

How the trolls and I agree on that one, I don't understand. But now I know why Rob got so pissed off at me when I was critical of their community-mindedness. Because he associates that viewpoint with his enemies.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Five Colors 7

[Editor's Note: posted a second ago, in response to the Superbowl discussion.]

Wow, who would have thought that there'd be a moderated discussion of football on slashdot... What's next? Maxim magazine reviewing computer games?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Looking Back 3

Note: This is something that kind of rolled off my head the other morning, from some notes I took in church on Christmas Eve. The idea actually occurred to me last year in Church, on Christmas Eve, (I'm not even C&E, just C..), but I didn't remember it until I got to church this year. I guess that's why I look forward to my annual religious-meditation session. It's a different place, inspires different thoughts.
User Journal

Journal Journal: New MP3 Player 2

Note: this is where my internal notes were when today's WMP9 story came out. The ensuing discussion seemed like a good time to get these ideas out the door, so apologies for the rough edges. Please add comments to this journal entry if you have any, or know of any MP3 projects that I might have overlooked in my search, or if you're interested in planning one. I no longer think I have the time to code
User Journal

Journal Journal: A Working Model of Direct Democracy, at slashdot.org

[ Editor's Note: this is copied over from my blog, for a wider readership and more feedback. Whenever I get around to actually writing an essay on the subject, rather than just having conversations, I'll post that here too. ]
User Journal

Journal Journal: Today's accomplishment:

Today, I finally made an entry in my journal. This entry is nice because it conveys some true information about the state of the world. However, if I had omitted it, it would've been unnecessary anyway.

Comment Re:WHAT?!?! (Score 1) 1029

i'm really appalled at the lack of credit and attention that alpha centauri receives. it was the significant upgrade from civ 2. imho, civ 3 has a slightly better ai, but some serious concessions were made to bring it back into the historical tradition of the civ line.

i'm not really mentioning it as a potential for the coolest video game ever- of the four, the first was clearly the most innovative. 2 was a graphics update and three was a mod for alpha centauri to bring back the romans.

if you like civ games and somehow this one slipped through the cracks (possibly because it involves a UN space craft and mindworms), look for it next time you're checking out the $9.99 rack at office max.

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