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Comment Re:Cheaper to license, costlier to support (Score 1) 412

Dude, it's 2017. Even Windows admin is done with PowerShell.

Have you ever had to look after more than 5 servers?

Scripting is faster, easier, more repeatable, version control-able, better in virtually every way except perhaps during discovery, when you don't know what you are doing and click around blindly or follow a wizard. Even then, that should be guiding the creation of your script or helping you write an answer file.

Tell me, how do you record those mouse clicks? Can you play them back if you need to rebuild an identical server?

Comment Re:Is the production of new vehicles accounted for (Score 1) 375

You're still missing the point. Forcing people to buy new cars earlier than they would naturally means MORE new cars have to be produced.

The effect this has on overall emissions depends on the mileage improvements and number of miles driven.

Small improvements and low miles = more emissions overall.

Comment Re:Why have a port open and listening all the time (Score 1) 51

Check your protocols.

Actually, establishing (and tearing down) an encrypted TCP channel is far less simple than UDP based ntp.

The open port isn't a requirement, but it is how ntp does the important (and complicated) part - establishing what the real time actually is, without blind faith in just one other server.

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