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Comment Re:Yeah, so what? (Score 2) 484

This is starting to sound like the "if a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?" or "is a virus alive?" type questions, which are incredibly stupid because people act like they're talking about actual things, when in fact they're just arguing over definitions of words ("sound" and "alive", respectively).

The question isn't "can war exist without nation-states"; the question is whether hostilities between non-nation-states should be called war or not. The answer doesn't change the fact that group A is trying to kill group B, and you can reasonably expect group B to try to prevent that.

Now possibly it has legal ramifications because the word "war" has been used sloppily in treaties, etc, but none of that changes the reality of people killing and/or defending. Besides, there isn't a clear definition of "nation-state", so even if we can't redefine "war" we'll just re-define "nation-state" to mean whatever we need it to mean in order to fit the offensive / defensive actions we think are appropriate into whichever subset of the treaties we'd like to continue to pretend matter.

Comment Re:Oh noes (Score 2) 222

Venture capitalists' ability to make billions of dollars for no effort is being threatened!!11

Yes, those greedy bastards - providing money to startups who otherwise might never get off the ground. I hate people like that!

P.S. The hip term is "vulture capitalists" - if you're going to be snarky, at least do it right.

Comment Re:Save/discard/cancel/what (Score 1) 713

Wow... yes, that's pointless.

Excel has certain settings (e.g. selected page, column widths, etc) that are saved with the document, but which do not cause the dirty bit to be set when they are changed. This way you can open a spreadsheet and look around, but it doesn't prompt you to save unless you change something "important". It seems like "last printed date" should be treated similarly.

Comment Re:Awesome! (Score 1) 713

True, modern radio buttons don't have the same tactile feel as old-fashioned ones do - but computer "radio buttons" have never had that tactile feel, so in that sense they're actually more like modern radio buttons than they were like old-fashioned ones. The analogy is getting more accurate, not less.

And yes, I remember the partial-press phenomenon - but I always thought of that as a harmless "bug" due to the mechanical nature of the mechanism, not a "feature" to be emulated. Certainly computer "radio buttons" have never exhibited that sort of behavior.

Comment Re:Awesome! (Score 1) 713

I open one as a template, modify it and then save it with a new name. "Autosave & undo" would immediately overwrite the file I use as a template.

Instinctively saving (which I tend to do about every other sentence) without changing the name first has the same effect - I finally learned (after screwing up WAY too many times) to ALWAYS change the name FIRST ("save as..."), and THEN make the changes and save again. That usage pattern is now burned into my brain, to the point that I get nervous when I see someone else modifying a template without doing a "save as" first!

Comment Re:Save/discard/cancel/what (Score 1) 713

What I don't understand is why word thinks that printing a document constitutes some sort of change, and it asks me to save (even if the doc is in my "temporary internet files" folder!)

OK, I get that printing might (might!) adjust the pagination or whatever, but surely any moron can see that any such changes are changes it made on my behalf, not changes I actually made! Yet year after year this bug remains...

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