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Comment Re:Overheating (Score 1) 307

Well, I can tell you that the whole damn site is so slow in SeaMonkey, with no adblocker but minimal javascript, that it enforces using Chrome (at least for me) ... tho videos aren't affected, just everything else. (Just had reason to fight with it on not-the-usual-PC, so was reminded... it was faster to hie myself to the usual-PC, root up the link I wanted, and email it to myself from there.)

But yeah, interacting bugs are a thing.

Comment Re:So they want to get less viewers? (Score 1) 307

That's nothing. I was convinced to install an adblocker when I was served a 30 minute unskippable crapomercial before I could watch 5 minutes of fluff.

And I'm being recommended more and more obviously bot-generated content with obvious repetition designed around multiple ads (like, every minute or two for the duration, yet such channels somehow have 12 million subs??) which makes me think that there's a big con game going on that Google isn't privy to, and is probably where most of the revenue-to-creators actually winds up.

Comment Re: Deadly combo (Score 1) 210

Dealers used to be where you got the best service, and were least likely to be ripped off. They hired all the best mechanics, and it was steady work without the huge investment in tools and facility and inventory.

This changed sometime in the 1980s... some dealerships were (and are) still good, but service stopped being service and became revenue stream. And the better mechanics began migrating to being independent shops.

This seems to have happened throughout the service industries, perhaps as a side effect of acquisitions and consolidation (and concomitant cost-cutting). Frex, was a time the competent plumber worked for the big outfit; now the big outfit is a ripoff and the only good ones are the independents.

Side thought: every industry that depends on sales commissions becomes cancerous, because that's a direct conflict with the customer's interests.

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